UK Planning to Implement EU Pesticides Law
British agencies began a consultation on Feb. 9 to take stakeholders' comments on how to implement it.
A consultation is under way by British agencies to obtain stakeholders' input on implementing the European Union's pesticides legislation. The consultation, which began Feb. 9, is being carried out by the Chemicals Regulation Directorate of the Health and Safety Executive on behalf of Defra, the Department for Environment Food and Rural Affairs.
They're asking for feedback on the approach to be taken in implementing a Directive on the Sustainable use of Pesticides (Directive 2009/128/EC) and two provisions in a Regulation on Plant Protection Product Authorisations (Regulation (EC) No 1107/2009), which may require legislation to be implemented. The agencies also seek comments on whether to develop new charging arrangements using powers in the European law. This 224-page document explains in detail what is under consideration, with a list of questions asked in chapters 5-7.
The consultation will end May 4, 2010.