ACOEM Webinar to Explain Haz-Map's Uses

The American College of Occupational and Environmental Medicine is registering participants for a one-hour March 25 webinar about Haz-Map, an occupational toxicology database made available by the National Library of Medicine's Toxicology and Environmental Health Information Program. Haz-Map consists of eight interconnected tables (Agents, Industrial Processes, Non-Occupational Activities, Diseases, Signs & Symptoms, Jobs, Industries, and Job Tasks). The resource includes profiles for 225 occupational diseases and some 2,000 chemical and biological agents.

Haz-Map is intended for use by OSH professionals and consumers who want information about the effects of workplace chemicals.

The webinar, priced at $60 for ACOEM members and $75 for others, will start at noon Eastern time. It will help attendees understand what information is included in Haz-Map and how to find it. The presenter is Dr. Jay A. Brown, M.D., MPH, a board-certified occupational medicine physician in Tacoma, Wash., who is the author of Haz-Map. He also is a consultant for the U.S. Department of Labor and the National Library of Medicine, a member of the American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists, ACOEM, and the International Society for Infectious Diseases, according to ACOEM. OSH professionals may know him from two scientific papers he published last year: "An Internet Database for the Classification and Dissemination of Information about Hazardous Chemicals and Occupational Diseases" in the June edition of the American Journal of Industrial Medicine and "How to Use Haz-Map" in the March edition of Professional Safety.

Visit this site for additional information and online registration.


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