CFATS Reauthorized for Four Years
President Obama on Dec. 18 signed into law H.R. 4007, the "Protecting and Securing Chemical Facilities from Terrorist Attacks Act of 2014."
The Chemical Facility Anti-Terrorism Standards program has been preserved for another four years thanks to the presidential signing on Dec. 18 of H.R. 4007, the "Protecting and Securing Chemical Facilities from Terrorist Attacks Act of 2014," which authorizes the Department of Homeland Security to administer the program for that period and authorizes appropriations for it for FY2015-FY2017.
The new law requires the DHS secretary to issue guidance for expedited approval facilities, guidance that outlines security measures sufficient to meet the risk-based performance standards. DHS also is urged to develop site security plan templates.
It also requires the DHS secretary to, among other things, prescribe standards for training and retraining DHS or non-governmental auditors and inspectors, and also provide a clear explanation of any deficiency in the security vulnerability assessment or site security plan it identifies to the owner or operator of a covered facility that DHS has determined is not compliant with the act.