Harwood Awards Available for Capacity Building

About $8 million is available for Capacity Building grants, which help organizations build internal competency to address safety and health programs. Applications are due by July 2.

OSHA announced Thursday that about $8 million in Susan Harwood Training Grants is available for Capacity Building grants, which help organizations build internal competency to address safety and health programs. Applications are due by July 2 and should be submitted via www.grants.gov. This solicitation by OSHA is Funding Opportunity No. SHTG-FY-10-01.

Capacity Building grants will be awarded for one-year pilot and multi-year developmental grants. OSHA also will publish a second solicitation for grant applications for Targeted Topic training grants soon, according to the Federal Register notice.

Applications should be directed to Cynthia Bencheck, program analyst, [email protected], phone 847-759-7700, or Jim Barnes, director of OSHA's Office of Training and Educational Programs, [email protected], phone 847-759-7700.) For more information on the Harwood grant program, visit www.osha.gov, select "Training" under the "Top Links" section, and then select "Susan Harwood Training Grant Program."


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