Two Weeks Left to Apply for Safe-in-Sound Awards

Sept. 1 is the deadline to apply for the 2011 awards from NIOSH and the National Hearing Conservation Association.

The 2011 Safe-in-Sound in Hearing Loss Prevention Awards™ deadline is drawing near. Companies eager to share their stories of successful hearing loss prevention programs must apply by Sept. 1. Awards will be presented in late February 2011, when NHCA will hold its 36th Annual Hearing Conservation Conference at the Phoenix Marriott Mesa in Mesa, Ariz.

The National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health and the National Hearing Conservation Association created the award in 2007. Applicants are evaluated against key performance indicators in a review process that evaluates their programs in each of three industrial sectors: manufacturing, construction, and services. Award-winning strategies will be showcased in a booklet distributed on the NHCA and Safe-in-Sound websites.

According to NIOSH, individuals and organizations from any industrial sector also may receive an award for their dedication to launching and implementing new and unique advances in hearing loss prevention.


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