SKC Inc.

BAND V2 Wearable Heat Monitor/Alert

BAND V2 Wearable Heat Monitor/Alert

Need help with your heat program to meet the OSHA Heat-related Hazards NEP? The SlateSafety BAND V2 arm-worn monitor provides 24/7 connected real-time monitoring of heart rate, exertion levels, and core temperature. BAND V2 alerts workers and OH&S professionals before heat exposure injuries occur. Tough to withstand harsh environments, yet comfortable for workers and easy to use for you, BAND V2 can optimize work/rest cycles, promoting safety and productivity. Its powerful web-based platform and the new Go Mobile App helps you connect and protect workers from heat stress in real-time. Visit SKC at AIHce Booth 601 for a demo!

Click here for more information.

    Product Spotlight

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    Artificial Intelligence