SKC Inc.

BAND V2 Wearable Heat Monitor/Alert

BAND V2 Wearable Heat Monitor/Alert

Need help with your heat program to meet the OSHA Heat-related Hazards NEP? The SlateSafety BAND V2 arm-worn monitor provides 24/7 connected real-time monitoring of heart rate, exertion levels, and core temperature. BAND V2 alerts workers and OH&S professionals before heat exposure injuries occur. Tough to withstand harsh environments, yet comfortable for workers and easy to use for you, BAND V2 can optimize work/rest cycles, promoting safety and productivity. Its powerful web-based platform and the new Go Mobile App helps you connect and protect workers from heat stress in real-time. Visit SKC at AIHce Booth 601 for a demo!

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    Product Spotlight

    • Prevent Heat Stress with SlateSafety

      Enhance heat stress prevention with SlateSafety’s BAND V2 wearable heat stress monitor and BEACON V2 environmental monitor. These devices provide real-time physiological and environmental monitoring, capturing vital biometrics and ambient conditions including heat index, temperature, humidity and eWBGT. Seamlessly integrated with SlateSafety’s online platform and mobile app, they deliver instant alerts including SMS text messages based on customizable thresholds. Perfect for large teams and lone workers, safety leaders can access and download historical data for in-depth analysis. Try SlateSafety’s solution free for 30 days and improve your safety program today. Read More

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    • Ultimate Impact & Abrasion Protection

      Experience unbeatable protection and performance with the Impacto IG999. Crafted with durable black cowhide leather and a full-finger design, it offers exceptional durability and dexterity. The lined cut-resistant material ensures ultimate abrasion protection, while the padded palm absorbs impact and vibrations. With TPR padding on the back of hand, fingers, and thumb, this high-performance glove is built to prevent impact and crushing injuries. Ideal for tough environments, it meets the highest standards for cut resistance and impact performance. Read More


    Artificial Intelligence