The assessment finds Metra to be generally compliant with federal safety regulations.
The progress comes despite pressure from the tobacco industry, according to WHO Director-General Dr. Margaret Chan.
Christine M. Branche, Ph.D., principal associate director of NIOSH and director of its Office of Construction Safety and Health, will receive the association's Robert B. Hurley Distinguished Service Award during the December meeting.
The agency said its message is especially urgent for owners affected by regional recalls in Florida, Puerto Rico, Guam, Saipan, American Samoa, the Virgin Islands, and Hawaii.
How the 2014 midterm U.S. elections go may well determine whether the nuclear waste storage project in Nevada goes forward, four years after the Obama administration halted it.
Six panels of experts are participating with representatives from organizations including NTSB, NHTSA, Harvard Medical School, AAA, NIOSH, FDA, and sleep research centers at Stanford University and the University of Washington
The Newberry, Fla. company faces $41,000 in proposed penalties.
BSEE and EPA Secure a Settlement.
"We are committed to maintaining a strong collaborative effort to address this public health threat," the American Medical Association, American Hospital Association, and American Nurses Association say in an Oct. 16 joint statement.
Employers are being challenged to play their part in improving mental health in their workplaces.
The citation adds to penalties facing the retail chain across the nation.
Fourteen people were transported to Washington Regional in Fayetteville for treatment, the hospital reported.
The Oct. 27-28 National Institute of Standards and Technology workshop in Norman, Okla., will be the third in the series on developing a community-centric disaster resilience framework. Taken by FEMA's Andrea Booher, this photo shows the destruction in Moore, Okla., by an F5 tornado on May 20, 2013.
OSHA cited the employer for willful and serious safety violations.
The grants are to help long-term unemployed Americans find work.
The organization represents more than 300,000 full-time firefighters and paramedics in the United States and Canada.
Beginning in May 2015, France's Ecole Nationale de l'Aviation Civile will welcome the first incoming group of students from Eurocontrol's Maastricht Upper Area Control Centre.