The Oct. 21, 2014, NTSB forum will explore ways to address the major hazard of drowsy driving.

NTSB Releases Agenda for Drowsy Driving Forum

Six panels of experts are participating with representatives from organizations including NTSB, NHTSA, Harvard Medical School, AAA, NIOSH, FDA, and sleep research centers at Stanford University and the University of Washington

The National Transportation Safety Board has released the agenda for its Oct. 21 "Awake, Alert, Alive: Overcoming the Dangers of Drowsy Driving" forum, an all-day, comprehensive event taking place at the agency's board room and conference center in Washington, D.C. Six panels of experts are participating with representatives from organizations including NTSB, NHTSA, Harvard Medical School, AAA, NIOSH, FDA, and sleep research centers at Stanford University and the University of Washington.

The forum will begin at 8:30 a.m. Eastern time. NTSB Board Member Mark Rosekind, Ph.D., will chair the proceedings and deliver opening and closing remarks. He is NTSB's lead in advocacy areas that include human fatigue and substance-impaired driving, according to the agency.

"We are using the title Awake, Alert, Alive because being drowsy behind the wheel is yet another form of impairment with potentially deadly consequences. An awake and alert driver is a safer driver," he said.

The agenda and panelists' biographies are available at

The forum is open to the public and free of charge, with no registration necessary. Visit for directions to the conference site. It also will be webcast live and archived; a link to the webcast site is available at The Twitter hashtag for this event is #ntsbforum.


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