NTSB Go Team Sent to Arkansas Train Collision Site

Fourteen people were transported to Washington Regional in Fayetteville for treatment, the hospital reported.

A relief train ran into the rear of a stopped excursion train about 10 a.m. Oct. 16 near West Fork, Ark., injuring 14 people who were transported for treatment at Washington Regional Medical Center in Fayetteville. A brief news release posted by the medical center said, "Washington Regional has treated a total of 14 individuals who were injured in a morning train accident reportedly near West Fork, Ark. Five patients assessed at the scene by EMS as needing trauma care were transferred to Washington Regional, which operates the area's only Level II Trauma Center. As of 2:30 p.m. today, all patients related to this incident and treated at Washington Regional are listed in stable condition and are in various stages of treatment."

The National Transportation Safety Board dispatched a Go-team to the site to commence an investigation.

The Arkansas Democrat-Gazette reported the train that was hit was an Arkansas & Missouri Railroad excursion train. The company has its headquarters in Springdale, Ark., and its website listed an 8 a.m. excursion train departing Oct. 16 from Springdale to Van Buren/Fort Smith.

The newspaper's staff report said John Luther, director of the Washington County Department of Emergency Management, and Washington County Judge Marilyn Edwards reported that the first train was stopped on the tracks, and a relief train sent to help hit it from the south about 10:40 a.m. There were 44 people, including passengers and crew, on both trains.


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