Michael Feasel, Ph.D., is working to understand the effects of carfentanil at the cellular and systemic levels in order to help determine the dosage of naloxone needed to resuscitate people who have been exposed to the powerful opioid.
Safety observations are an important piece of the puzzle in transforming an organization's safety culture. They shine a light on workplace behaviors and safety conditions. Safety observations, if done well, should make safety conversations second nature, reinforce safe work practices and show trends in unsafe work practices.
The Environment Agency also has launched its Flood Action Campaign, which targets younger people through social media and online advertising to encourage them to check their flood risk, sign up for free warnings, and be prepared to take action when flooding hits.
"There is no doubt that the sharp increase in fines over the past two years is the subject of regular discussion in boardrooms up and down the country," two lawyers report on the second anniversary of the new sentencing guildline.
While visiting Thailand, Director General Yukiya Amano said important progress has been made in its use against mosquitoes. Vector-borne diseases such as dengue, chikungunya, Zika viral disease, and yellow fever are becoming important public health problems in many countries in Southeast Asia, he said.
Many mine operators already have installed proximity detection systems in accordance with the regulation. MSHA posted a reminder to make sure the rest are in compliance by the deadline.
The Florida Highway Patrol is recognizing Hit and Run Awareness Month in February and reminding all motorists to stay at the scene when involved in a crash.
Together they have developed resources for the window cleaning industry, and IWCA has supported OSHA outreach campaigns such as the National Safety Stand-Down to Prevent Falls in Construction, Safe + Sound Campaign, and the Heat Illness Prevention Campaign, while also providing training to its members on the new requirements for OSHA’s Walking-Working Surfaces and Personal Fall Protection Systems standard.
"The price we are paying for mobility is 40,000 lives each year," NSC President and CEO Deborah A.P. Hersman said. "This is a stark reminder that our complacency is killing us. The only acceptable number is zero; we need to mobilize a full court press to improve roadway safety."
The siren tests take place at the Louisa, Va., nuclear power plant on a quarterly basis: Feb. 21, May 16, Aug. 15, and Nov. 14.
ISO 31000:2018 is a shorter and clearer guide to help organizations improve planning and decision-making through the use of risk management principles.
"The installation of the life-saving positive train control technology on the CSX tracks is not the cause of the Cayce, South Carolina train collision," said NTSB Chairman Robert Sumwalt. "While the collision remains under investigation, we know that signal suspensions are an unusual operating condition, used for signal maintenance, repair, and installation, that have the potential to increase the risk of train collisions. That risk was not mitigated in the Cayce collision. Our recommendation, if implemented, works to mitigate that increased risk."
A May 2017 court order required the defendants to comply with the 2011 consent decree, but HPI and Garvey continue to store thousands of pounds of uncharacterized, often unidentified, chemicals, some with labels indicating they have been stored for a dozen years or more, according to DOJ, which said many of HPI's facilities lack functional fire suppression equipment.
The bill, which has been proposed by the National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws' local branch, also would require employers to provide evidence that an employee was unable to perform his or her duties because of marijuana use.
NFPA will process NFPA 3000, Standard for Preparedness and Response to Active Shooter and/or Hostile Events, as a provisional standard, which means it would be available for use as early as April 2018. The standard is now open for input until Feb. 23, 2018.
Gov. Kate Brown's executive order calls for a statewide strategy to combat addiction.
The new Office of Cybersecurity, Energy Security, and Emergency Response will be created with $96 million in funding that is included in President Donald J. Trump's FY19 budget request.