Showers and Eyewash

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  • Thermostat Mixing Valve

    Thermostat Mixing Valve

    Bradley’s newest Navigator Thermostatic Mixing Valve is engineered to deliver safe water temperatures to both the commercial faucets and the emergency safety eyewash fixtures in laboratory applications, providing a complete and efficient single mixing valve solution. With its combination of two valves in one, the Navigator TMV saves installation time and conserves space under sinks. During regular faucet use, the TMV delivers tempered water for uses such as hand washing; in an emergency, the valve delivers ANSI/ISEA-required tepid water.

  • Keltech Tankless Tempering Systems

    Bradley’s Keltech Tankless Tempering Systems, featuring CLE and SNA series electric tankless water heaters, deliver dependable, precise and on-demand ANSI/ISEA required tepid water to emergency safety showers and eye/face washes. CLE and SNA models feature lower pressure drops for providing greater reliability and performance in supplying tepid water quickly and efficiently.


  • How to Create a Successful Safety Eyewear Program

    During this free webinar, we will discuss: the types of eye hazards and injuries commonly experienced at work and why; the steps to creating a successful safety eyewear program; getting it right the first time in PPE selection, purchase, and use; gaining the trust and buy-in of your front-line employees and supervisors; why focusing on hazards rather than compliance is better; and how these steps will reduce, if not eliminate, eye injuries at your place of work.

  • Explosion Prevention & Protection Options for Dust Collection Systems

    In this free webinar we will discuss how to recognize dangerous combustible dust situations in manufacturing plants and processing facilities. This knowledge will help you to quickly observe an unsafe situation in your everyday work environments, recognize what you are seeing, evaluate whether you or your employees are in harm’s way, and decide what steps to take to make the environment safe.


  • How to Identify Safe and Effective Emergency Eyewash — and the Hidden Dangers to Avoid

    The human eye is a complex and intricate organ that provides us with the invaluable sense of sight. Commonly referred to as our windows to the world, eyes allow us to take in the majority of information we obtain about the environment around us. In fact, experts agree that the eyes contribute nearly 85 percent of an individual’s total knowledge. Because we rely on our eyes for nearly every activity we perform, most individuals value the sense of sight above all others.

  • Case Study: UWM Drench Shower

    University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee (UWM) is a public research university, and with more than 29,000 students, is the second largest in the state. Lapham Hall, named for Wisconsin’s first eminent scientist, was built in 1961 to house the Botany, Chemistry and Zoology departments. "Our emergency equipment was vintage 1960s," said Jon Krezoski, director of safety and assurances for UWM. "The old fixtures in Lapham were corroded and routine testing was impossible. There were no floor drains near the showers, so we had to catch the water in a bucket to avoid flooding classrooms."