The initiative aids 100 nonprofits in promoting worker safety.
Work-related injuries are prevalent in the construction industry and costs quickly add up when you factor in medical charges, lost days of work and fees related to accident investigation. According to the Occupational Health and Safety Administration (OSHA), there were 2.5 injuries for every 100 construction workers in the United States in 2021
Work-related injuries cost employers billions each year — an estimated $167 billion in 2021 alone, according to the National Safety Council. Add onto that the estimated cost ($13.8 billion that same year) of losses not covered by insurance, such as the value of time lost as the result of injuries and the time spent to investigate accidents, and it’s obvious that prevention of on-the-job injuries is critical to ensuring the long-term financial health of your business.
The establishment is fined $6,810 due to breaches.
The grants focus specifically on women in marginalized communities.
At the Safety+ Symposium's OSHA Mega Session, Deputy Assistant Secretary Jim Frederick unveiled OSHA's initiatives and recognized Robert Simmons with the 2023 National SGE of the Year Award among other safety advocates.
The VPPPA's Safety+ Symposium concluded at the Orlando World Center Marriott, encompassing over 50 workshops, an expo, and special events like the Kennedy Space Tour and golf tournament. The symposium brought together safety professionals for key insights and networking opportunities.
Cedar Head LLC faces $41,303 in penalties following the tragic incident.
The partnership will focus on issues specific to outdoor advertising.
Using tablet-based audiometers in occupational hearing tests can enhance OSHA compliance, optimize convenience, harness real-time noise monitoring, and offer increased data security.
When employees come forward to report misconduct or unethical behavior within their organization, they are known as whistleblowers.
The "Respond Ready Workplace" program addresses workplace overdose deaths.
The presentation focused on non-conventional approaches to near-miss programs.
The annual event offers a combination of networking and educational events.
The grant aims to enhance inclusive workplaces for people with disabilities.
The VPPPA's annual Safety+ Symposium, currently taking place at the Orlando World Center Marriott in Orlando, Fla., has officially opened its expo hall doors, and attendees can explore the latest in safety products, gear, and technologies with over 150 exhibitors.
The construction company’s president faces a willful violation citation.