Florida Sets Record: A Decade with No Hurricanes

The most recent hurricane to make landfall in Florida was Wilma on Oct. 24, 2005, and it was also the last major hurricane to make landfall in the United States, according to weather.com.

More than 10 years have passed since the last time a hurricane struck the state of Florida, setting a new record for the Sunshine State, the Miami Herald's Jenny Staletovich reported Nov. 28. She reported that, but for Hurricane Joaquin, in which the cargo ship El Faro sank with 33 mariners lost, the 2015 hurricane season was one of the mildest on record.

The most recent hurricane to make landfall in Florida was Wilma on Oct. 24, 2005, and it was also the last major hurricane to make landfall in the United States, according to weather.com, which recently reported that Florida's 10-year hurricane-free streak "dwarfs the previous record dating to 1851, which was five consecutive seasons from 1980 to 1984."


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