MIOSHA Presents Gold Award to Merrill Aviation & Defense

The Saginaw, Mich.-based company manufactures aerospace and defense products and parts.

The Michigan Occupational Safety and Health Administration (MIOSHA) this wek awarded the CET Gold Award to Merrill Aviation & Defense, a Saginaw, Mich.-based manufacturer of aerospace and defense products and parts, for maintaining an outstanding safety and health record with two years or more without a lost-time injury.

"We are honored to present this award to Merrill Aviation and Defense. Manufacturing facilities have significant workplace hazards and we are pleased to recognize your exemplary record of protecting your workers. Your dedication sends the message to Michigan employers that focusing on safety up front is a sound business decision," said Stephanie Comai, deputy director of the Michigan Department of Licensing and Regulatory Affairs, MIOSHA’s parent agency.

MIOSHA Deputy Director Bart Pickelman presented the award to Jeff Yackel, vice president of Merrill Technologies Group; Craig Witte, general manager of Merrill Aviation; and Safety Manager Kelvin Willoghby, who accepted on behalf of all employees.

MIOSHA's announcement said besides going more than three years without a lost-time accident, the facility has:

  • Developed and implemented a comprehensive safety and health management system
  • Established a safety and health committee with employee and management participation
  • Developed an employee training system with an emphasis on how to do the work in a safe and healthful manner
  • Worked diligently to change its workplace culture to reflect the importance of worker safety

"Companies that establish an integrated safety and health program reap the benefits of significantly reducing their injury and illness rates," said Pickelman. "Reducing these rates not only protects employees, it has a healthy impact on a company's bottom line."


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