NIOSH Announces 2024 Black Lung Screening Dates and Locations

NIOSH Announces 2024 Black Lung Screening Dates and Locations

The screenings aid in the early detection of black lung disease, particular among miners.

The National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) has revealed it will offer free and confidential black lung screenings beginning in April 2024.

According to a recent release, NIOSH has already scheduled screenings through September 2024. NIOSH conducts them through its mobile testing unit, stationed at community and mine locations across West Virginia, Pennsylvania, Ohio and Virginia. 

“The NIOSH mobile unit plays an important role in the early detection of black lung disease,” NIOSH Director John Howard, M.D. said in a statement. “When caught early, steps can be taken to help prevent black lung from progressing to the most serious forms of the disease.”

All coal miners—including underground, surface and contract miners—are encouraged to participate regardless of employment status. Each screening lasts roughly 30 minutes and includes a work history and respiratory health questionnaire, chest x-ray, blood pressure screening, and breathing test. Results will be provided confidentially within 8 to 10 weeks. Appointments are recommended but walk-ins are welcome.

For more information on the screening locations and schedule, visit the NIOSH Coal Workers’ Health Surveillance Program webpage.

About the Author

Robert Yaniz Jr. is the former Content Editor of Occupational Health & Safety.


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