SAFETY Listserv Moving to Arizona State
Ralph Stuart, CIH, the popular list's moderator, sent a message today saying Jonathan Klane "has agreed to take on the list owner and moderator responsibilities."
The popular SAFETY listserv ([email protected], archives here) has found a new home. Ralph Stuart, CIH, who alerted the list's members last month that the 23-year-old listserv and its extensive archives needed a new host, sent a message Oct. 25 saying that home is Arizona State University, taking over that role from the University of Vermont.
Stuart wrote that Jonathan Klane -- a familiar name because he's a popular speaker at major U.S. safety conferences -- "has agreed to take on the list owner and moderator responsibilities." Stuart added that he and Klane are talking with IT managers at both universities to plan for the move, which is expected to take place in December.
His message immediately brought several replies applauding the choice; many list members had posted comments in late September expressing concern that the valuable listserv might cease and wondering whether it could morph into a LinkedIn group or be maintained in some other way.