Revised First Aid Kit Standard Wins ANSI Approval
NSI/ISEA Z308.1-2009, American National Standard -- Minimum Requirements for Workplace First Aid Kits and Supplies, has received ANSI approval. The revised standard designates new kit types and expands the required supply list to include a first aid guide, the International Safety Equipment Association announced Tuesday.
The previous version of the standard was a 2003 edition. ISEA's Industrial First Aid Group prepared the revised version with help from stakeholders; it was then reviewed by a consensus panel including users, government agencies, and OSH professionals.
"During the revision process, much consideration was given to contemporary first aid protocols and the availability of products used to treat workplace injuries. The updated document reflects an assortment of supplies in sizes and quantities that are best suited to treat worker injuries," said Bob Rock, chairman of the Industrial First Aid Group and a North by Honeywell product manager.
ISEA said the kit label has been redesigned to indicate that each workplace is unique, possibly requiring additional first aid supplies to be available.
Single copies of the new standard are priced at $27 and available from ISEA; call 703-525-1695. Discounts are available for bulk orders.