Take A Walk, AHA Urges
Whatever the weather, Wednesday's a great day to start a workplace walking program, the American Heart Association believes. April 8 is the day to "take a stand against heart disease by participating in National Start! Walking Day," AHA says.
The association's Web site will feature free walking plans on Wednesday and assistance in finding a walking path in your area. It wants workers (and others) to walk at least 30 minutes that day to promote healthy living and build co-worker relationships. "Find the Healthier You," AHA says. "It may seem like a no-brainer, but exercise can help extend your life. In fact, it's been shown that you'll gain about two hours of life for every hour of regular exercise. Just imagine the good you could do by adopting a daily routine!"
Free tools are available at this site, where visitors can sign up and get moving. If a worker can't spare 30 minutes, three 10-minute walks are just as good, AHA says.