Presto Lifts Inc.


Hydraulic Floor Level Lift

Ergonomic XZ Series hydraulic floor-level lifts from Presto Lifts Inc. can handle loads of up to 6,000 pounds. They’re useful in all of the usual lift-table applications (assembly, maintenance, palletizing, etc.) and can be easily loaded/unloaded with an ordinary hand pallet truck. The platform of an XZ lift lowers to floor level, leaving the pan-style platform no more than half an inch above the floor for easy roll on/roll off. Accessible from all four sides, XZ lifts rise to a height of just over 35 inches to minimize bending and lifting. A bright, yellow 6-inch flexible strip is mounted to the lip of the platform to protect against toe injuries.

    Product Spotlight

    • Comprehensive Fall Protection

      When it comes to OSHA-compliant fall protection, Safety Rail Company has all the solutions. From hazard assessments and custom-engineered solutions to hatch guards, gates and guardrails, we’re the industry’s most comprehensive source of expertise and products. Safety Rail’s ability to assess your needs, manufacture and install your system ensures you’re getting exactly what your project calls for with a single call. We’re here to help make this easy. We’re not just the safe choice for rooftop safety, we’re the safest. Read More

    • Lockout/Tagout Training and Services

      e-Hazard has developed Lockout/Tagout training and services in response to growing industry demand for ways to address this critical aspect of worker safety. Our practical approach lets us meet your needs at the level that best fits you. We can assist you with any of the following: provide training for your employees, perform an audit of your current processes, work with you to develop, and implement LOTO program and procedures. Having a comprehensive, functional approach to control of hazardous energies is an essential component to keeping your workers safe. Read More

    • SafetyIQ Workforce Safety Management Platform

      The only workforce safety management platform that protects your workers throughout their entire day, whether they are behind the wheel, in the field, or on the factory floor. Our platform was created for safety teams that want to go beyond compliance and achieve safety excellence. Read More


    Artificial Intelligence