Here is what you need to know to stay safe when working with ladders.
The budget includes funding for mental health benefits as well as worker protection agencies.
Did you know that more than 22,000 people across the U.S. are injured while using ladders each year? And, unfortunately, 161 people suffered a fatal injury from a ladder in 2020. According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, approximately 65% of those ladder fatalities came from movable ladders.
The effective date of the final rule is Monday, March 13, 2023.
Employees and employers can take steps to prevent these types of emergencies.
The poll results from J.J. Keller were released at the start of Women in Construction Week, occurring from March 5 to 11 this year.
Picking what ladder you need for a project involves some thought, but the American Ladder Institute provides factors to consider.
The company now faces citations for 21 violations and proposed penalties of $195,988.
If you don’t have this on your agenda, there’s still time to make plans.
Manually undertaking workplace ergonomic evaluations are time-consuming and hard to scale. Given the simplicity and accuracy of technology to perform the job, it’s easy to understand why paper methods are being swapped out.
Additional control measures may be required if you cannot undertake certain routine tasks.
The professionals, all employed by the same environmental consulting firm, were departing from Little Rock, Arkansas, to Columbus, Ohio when the incident occurred.
In what ways can emergency responders be affected by the exposure?
The company now faces citations for 13 violations and proposed penalties of around $292,000.
What health effects are associated with chloroprene vapor exposure?
What are the types of hearing loss, and what can be done to prevent it from happening at work?
Some of the topics covered during the event will include workplace violence, forklift handling and safety data sheets.