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TX Dept. of Health Issues Fish Consumption Advisory

The state's Department of Health has warned Texans against eating six species of fish caught in the Neches River Basin.

Three Killed in WV Cell Towers' Collapse

Four workers who were replacing some diagonal supports for a tower were trapped when it collapsed, and a firefighter responding to the scene died when he was struck by part of a second tower as it collapsed, The Clarksburg Exponent Telegram reported.

Brooklyn Company Cited in Worker's Heat-Related Death

OSHA has cited Cooper Tank and Welding Corp for several alleged violations in connection with the death.

ASSE Backs Silica Rule, For the Most Part

President Kathy Seabrook's comments submitted Jan. 31 endorse the proposed 50 µg/m3 PEL and the 25 µg/m3 action level but say implementation on small, short-term construction sites will be a challenge.

A gas detector that is properly calibrated and maintained provides an accurate reading and results in reduced downtime. (RAE Systems photo)

Gas Detection's Critical Link to Safety: Maintenance And Training

A detector that is properly calibrated and maintained provides an accurate reading and results in smoother operation and reduced downtime.

The advances in gas detection equipment have made detection more efficient but have not eliminated the need for periodic maintenance and 24/7 monitoring. (Apollo Safety, Inc. photo)

Trends in Gas Detection Equipment

With a wireless connection, more eyes can monitor underground work and other potentially dangerous work situations.

A board displays the photographs of a facility

Key Visual Management Strategies

These 10 uses of visual management can improve the safety of your facility.

Correctly classifying the severity risks of H2S exposure will aid in selecting the appropriate escape respirator. (Draeger photo)

Breathe Easy with the Right Escape Respirator During an H2S Event

Understanding the potential health risks and correctly classifying the degrees of severity will aid in respirator selection.

A company

Legalized Impairment and What Employers Can Do About It

The truth is employers still have the right to insist that employees be drug-free while at work.

Back supports help a worker prepare for a lift and do it safely. (Ergodyne photo)

Back to the Future

We're still battling the #1 workplace injury.

It is essential that all education and products are based on the latest scientific findings regarding emergency medical care. (American Red Cross photo)

Training to Make the Workplace Safer

Preparedness is only as effective as the science behind it, so it is essential that all education and products are based on the latest scientific findings regarding emergency medical care.

Properly fitted safety eyewear will protect the wearer from dusts and particles while being comfortable and free of fogging. (Uvex by Honeywell photo)

Improving Safety Eyewear Fit for Better Protection and Compliance

Employers should beware of the one-size-fits-all approach that has plagued the workforce for decades.

India's Civil Aviation Rating Dropped to Category 2: FAA

The rating indicates India's civil aviation safety oversight regime does not currently comply with the international standards set by the International Civil Aviation Organization.

Senate Passes Bill to Delay Flood Insurance Reform Law

The 67-32 vote on Jan. 30 sets up action by the U.S. House of Representatives, which has two similar bills pending.

MSHA December Impact Inspection Results Released

Mine Safety and Health Administration personnel conducted inspections at 11 coal mines and two metal and nonmetal mines during the month.

This photograph of a laboratory worker wearing protective gear is included in the CDC report. (CDC image)

CDC Supporting Public Health Agencies Nationwide

The agency has issued a report summarizing its activities and investments in 2012 and 2013 to help local agencies prepare for and respond to public health threats.

MIOSHA Presents Gold Award to Merrill Aviation & Defense

The Saginaw, Mich.-based company manufactures aerospace and defense products and parts.


Artificial Intelligence
