Jack Smith is the new superintendent of the Ohio Fire Academy. He is responsible for overseeing all operations of the academy, including curriculum, training programs, training grounds, and personnel.
L&I's investigation found a total of 12 willful workplace health violations for exposing workers to asbestos, failing to provide respiratory protection, leaving asbestos debris on site, and other safety and health issues.
The National Weather Service issued flood watches and advisories for ice jam flooding for many portions of New York State. Division of Homeland Security and Emergency Services Commissioner Roger Parrino, Sr. said the division is working closely with local and state partners on ice jam and flooding issues throughout the state.
"Our country is approaching nine years without a single death caused by a commercial aviation crash yet, today, we can't go 15 minutes without a single death caused by a motor vehicle crash. Going forward, the most promising and pragmatic strategy at hand is adopting safety laws and advancing available safety technologies," said Jackie Gillan, President Emeritus of Advocates.
"Cancer can be devastating for fire fighters, and we are just beginning to understand the scope of this problem," said IAFF General President Harold Schaitberger, who is scheduled to deliver opening remarks at the event. "That's why we're bringing together the best and brightest minds on this subject. We must continue to learn all that we can to save more lives."
In May 2014, a passenger train nearly ran into a group of passengers who were walking on the tracks to board a bus after their own train was delayed. At the time the driver saw them, his train was moving about 73 mph; he applied emergency brakes and managed to stop his train in time.
The announcement came after 392 people died on NSW roads in 2017, with 42 of the deaths involving drug-affected drivers.
Red Arrows pilot Sean Cunningham, 35, died on Nov. 8, 2011, following the ejection from his aircraft, which was on the ground. Martin Baker Aircraft Ltd manufactured the ejection seat.
Employers across the state are invited to participate in Safety Break for Oregon on May 9. Three participating companies will win $100 in a drawing if they sign up online by May 4.
According to the U.S. Office of Personnel Management, federal government employees are expected to return for work on their next regularly scheduled work day, which for most employees is Tuesday.
Before he became the state's "drug czar," Johnson had been director of the Huntington (W.Va.) Mayor's Office of Drug Control Policy and previously had served as police chief and officer for the city of Huntington for more than 40 years.
The Associated Press reported last July that NTSB determined a high-pressure turbine disk in the right engine broke into four pieces, which shot out of the engine's housing, and that the board has identified at least three previous uncontained engine failures in commercial airliners in which a disk from the same family of GE engines failed.
The Narcan units will help FHP troopers when they encounter an overdose situation while on patrol and also help protect first responders who may be accidentally exposed and overcome by the effects of dangerous opioids.
The annual number of asthma deaths among persons ages 15 to 64 declined significantly from 1999 to 2016, "most likely reflecting improvements in asthma management and effectiveness of prevention efforts," the authors find.
Health Canada announced it will conduct an in-depth analysis of each category and will meet with industry stakeholders and scientific experts to better understand the challenges encountered in reducing sodium.
More than $240,000 in funding from Ohio's Waterways Safety Fund is being provided to support 10 community boating safety education programs this year, according to the Ohio Department of Natural Resources.
NIST's Threshold Confidence Checker weighs only a few grams. It can be slid onto the top of a JCAD in order to get an exact measurement of the device’s sensing capabilities.