After traveling about 55 miles, it was deliberately derailed by a company control center in Perth, according to ATSB.
Covered facilities in the state are BWX Technologies Inc. (previously known as Babcock & Wilcox Co.) in Lynchburg, Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility in Newport News, and the University of Virginia in Charlottesville.
Three adults and four children died in six fires between Oct. 15 and Oct. 25, according to the agency.
The Drug Enforcement Administration's acting administrator, Uttam Dhillon, said the report underscores the magnitude of the nation's opioid crisis. "This report highlights the necessity of using all the tools at our disposal to fight this epidemic," he said.
Sirens, helicopters, military vehicles, first responders and other disaster response measures are expected to be present this week in various locations across the state. The public should not be alarmed, as the emergency response presence is part of the training exercise.
Even when you think you've checked all the right boxes regarding safety compliance, there's one crucial element you may be neglecting: your employees. Not even the latest and greatest PPE will protect them if they aren't willing to wear it consistently and compliantly.
There have been no significant changes in the industries in which workers are most likely to be injured by their work, with construction and agriculture among the sectors with the highest risks.
During the first three nights of the initiative that began Oct. 28, NYPD inspected 128 garbage hauling trucks, issued 163 moving summonses and 458 criminal summonses, and towed five garbage trucks that were deemed not safe for the road.
U.S. Sen. Edward J. Markey sharply criticized an FDA advisory committee's vote to approve Dsuvia last month. It is up to 10 times more powerful than fentanyl and 1,000 times more powerful than morphine, he warned.
The Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection reported that its inspections after the Sept. 10 explosion "discovered violations including unreported landslides, impacts to aquatic resources, construction activities occurring in unpermitted areas, and several sections of the pipeline that required the installation of additional measures to prevent accelerated erosion."
For over 50 years, Kevlar® has collaborated with manufacturers to continuously improve the protection, durability, and comfort of protective gloves and sleeves.
The new safety measures are intended to help hospital workers distinguish between patients and visitors experiencing health-related stresses and those who are purposely aggressive.
A carpenter was injured on April 17 at a Lake Forest work site. He was carrying a nail gun in his right hand, with his finger on the trigger, when it discharged, plunging a nail into his left arm.
The Transportation Safety Board of Canada is comparable to the National Transportation Safety Board in the United States, which also has reducing fatigue-related accidents on its current Most Wanted List.
On average, about 120,000 people annually undergo surgery to relieve work-related carpal tunnel symptoms. This is a significant expense for employers.
Monitoring and sampling for dusts, gases, vapors, and mists should be a part of any personal exposure assessment initiative and is not only accepted practice, it represents best practice when done correctly.
The latest innovations in nitrile-based glove coatings have created a game-changing double-dip that takes the best of traditional palm coatings and rolls them into one unique glove treatment without sacrificing dexterity or tactile sensitivity.