Kentucky Company Wins First Governor's Safety and Health Award
"I want to congratulate MPD, Inc. on earning its first Governor's Safety and Health Award," said Labor Secretary Derrick Ramsey. "Working 1,256,157 hours without a lost-time injury is a great accomplishment.
Earlier this month, Kentucky Labor Cabinet Deputy Secretary Mike Nemes visited MPD, Inc. at its Owensboro headquarters to present a Governor's Safety and Health Award, the company's first, for the 1,256,157 production hours its employees worked without a lost-time incident.
"I want to congratulate MPD, Inc. on earning its first Governor's Safety and Health Award," said Labor Secretary Derrick Ramsey. "Working 1,256,157 hours without a lost-time injury is a great accomplishment. On behalf of Governor Bevin and the Labor Cabinet, it is my honor to bestow this award to MPD, Inc. and its employees for their successful efforts towards workplace safety."
Established in 1987, MPD, Inc. consists of 10 wholly owned subsidiaries that provide electronic products in North America and the United Kingdom to customers that include U.S. and foreign military services and their contractors, avionics manufacturers, law enforcement organizations, industrial companies, and commercial concerns. MPD, Inc. employs more than 220 people at its headquarters in Owensboro.
"The employees of MPD, Inc. are the most valuable asset to the company," said Gary Braswell, president of MPD, Inc. "It is our policy that every person is entitled to a safe and healthful workplace. Establishment and maintenance of a safe environment is the shared responsibility between the company and employees at all levels of the organization. To this end, every reasonable effort will be made in achieving the goal of accident prevention and health preservation."
The Kentucky Labor Cabinet presents the award to highlight outstanding safety and health performance by Kentucky workplaces. A business may qualify for the award if its employees achieve a required number of hours worked without experiencing a lost-time injury or illness; the required number of hours depends on the number of employees.