OSHA: Worker Died from Exposure to Manure Gas

W.E. Soil Enhancement has been cited for serious safety violations as a result.

OSHA took enforcement action after a worker in Vickery, Ohio, died by inhaling hydrogen sulfide gas from the pig manure he loaded into trailers for use as fertilizer. As a result, OSHA has cited W. E. Soil Enhancement for three serious safety violations.

"Symptoms from overexposure to hydrogen sulfide gas can come on rapidly and quickly overcome a worker," said Kim Nelson, OSHA's area director in Toledo. "The agriculture industry needs to educate its employees that the foul odors that come with manure spreading are not just unpleasant; they are unsafe and can be deadly. It is imperative that farm workers are protected from inhaling these gases."

Citations were given for a lack of the following: not providing engineering controls and respiratory protection, failing to train workers, and failing to identify and evaluate respiratory hazards. Proposed penalties total $16,800.


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