Three Surefire Ways to Reduce and Possibly Eliminate Winter Slips and Falls

Reducing and possibly eliminating winter slips and falls on ice and snow doesn’t have to be complicated. Here are three surefire ways to reduce accidents

Reducing and possibly eliminating winter slips and falls on ice and snow doesn’t have to be complicated. Here are three surefire ways to reduce accidents:

Eliminate the act of walking on compromised surfaces: Think about all of the slip and fall accidents that happened in your organization last winter. If you can eliminate walking in those areas, all of those accidents go away. While, of course, this is easier said than done across the board, it’s not impossible, and accomplishing this in one or two areas will make a dramatic difference in reducing your accident rate. I’ve seen industries, such as utilities, take a job function like meter reading and eliminate the need to walk to the meters by converting to remote electronic reading. This is a perfect example of eliminating exposure to the compromised surface.

Housekeeping: Once again, if you think about all of the accidents that happened in the past year and replayed those situations with cleaned and treated walking surfaces, most of those slip and fall accidents would not have occurred. Shovel, salt and sand and you’ll see the accidents decrease. Where this technique tends to get a little tricky is when your employee is faced with a walking surface that is not governed by your organization. You can clean your office parking lot, but you can’t clean public lots or walkways, and if your employee regularly walks off company grounds, your options may be limited.

Improve the traction underfoot: This is likely the most effective of the three techniques, with no jobs to eliminate and no public areas to care for. Simply put, where there is a slip and fall, there is feet! If you increase the traction under those feet, you will greatly reduce, and in many cases, eliminate slips and falls on ice and snow. Traction elements, like ice cleats, ice spikes and abrasive sandpaper-like grit, can increase the traction with every step your employees take this winter. Here are a few examples: CLICK HERE

Apply these three methods of attack this winter and a reduction in slips and falls will be your reward.

Imagine how much time you might get back in your day not having to field complaints about ice cleats!

Contact us and we’ll fill you in on the other benefits of Transitional Traction.


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