IMO Guidance Settles Security Training Quandary

It will solve the problem that many seafarers "were reportedly unable to have access to approved training courses or were unable to be issued certification of security-related training in accordance with the STCW regulations."

New guidance from the International Maritime Organization on training and certification requirements for ship security officers and seafarers with designated security duties is out to solve a bottleneck; many seafarers are reported to have experienced trouble in obtaining the necessary security certification under the 2010 Manila amendments to the International Convention on Standards of Training, Certification and Watchkeeping for Seafarers (STCW) and the STCW Code.

"The guidance recommends that, until July 1, 2015, relevant training under section 13 (it covers training, drills, and exercises on ship security) of the International Ship and Port Facility Security Code should be accepted as being equivalent to what’s required under the STCW Convention and Code," according to IMO.

The Sub-Committee on Human Element, Training and Watchkeeping met Feb. 17-21 and approved an STCW circular to advise port state control officers, recognized organizations, and recognized security organizations when seafarers do not carry certifications as required.


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