This week

Storm Cancelled Many Red Cross Blood Drives

The American Red Cross is asking Americans to give blood to make up for the blood drives cancelled by the storm affecting the East Coast.

The American Red Cross is asking for blood donations to make for approximately 265 blood drives cancelled on the East Coast by the strong storm this week. It caused nearly 9,300 uncollected blood and platelet donations before it moved north, and repeated storms already had cancelled more than 1,000 blood drives in 34 states and Washington, D.C. this year.

"All blood types are needed now and will be needed in the coming weeks to help ensure blood is available for patients. If someone lives in a region unaffected by the storm and is eligible to give blood, the Red Cross asks that they please consider making an appointment to donate blood or platelets," according to the organization.

Anyone eligible to donate may make an appointment to give blood by visiting or by calling 1-800-REDCROSS.

More than 700 people in eight affected states stayed in 110 Red Cross and community shelters and warming centers the night of Feb. 12, and as the storm moved north, the Red Cross worked with emergency officials to ensure shelters would be stocked and available.

"The Red Cross has shelters and warming centers open now and has workers and equipment standing by to help in other areas as this storm moves northward," said Richard Reed, senior vice president of disaster cycle services for the Red Cross. "This is a dangerous storm affecting millions of people. People should listen to their local officials, check on their neighbors, and use caution as they wait for the storm to pass."


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