June 2012

June 2012

  • PROTECTIVE APPAREL: Predicting Comfort of Flame Resistant Clothing
  • RESPIRATORY PROTECTION: Choosing the Best Escape Respirator for Your Emergency Response Plans
  • EMERGENCY SHOWERS & EYEWASH: Best Practices for Effective Safety Showers
  • COMBUSTIBLE DUST: The Right Tool for Combustible Dust
  • EMERGENCY RESPONSE: Five Ways to Ensure Response Plans Really Work
  • DISASTER PREPAREDNESS CASE STUDY: Prevention and Readiness at Clearwater Paper
  • INDUSTRIAL HYGIENE: Is Gas Detector Rental Right for Me?
  • EH&S SOFTWARE: Improving Safety is Smart Business at SKF
  • AIHCE 2012 PREVIEW: Turning the Page in Indianapolis
  • Click here to subscribe.

Cover Story

Predicting Comfort of Flame Resistant Clothing

By Scott Margolin

There is simply no substitute for a properly conducted, objectively administered, blind wear test.


Improving Safety is Smart Business at SKF

By William McGlocklin, Dave Rath, Chuck Roberts

The firm's initiatives continue to produce performance improvements as the organization approaches its goal of zero accidents.

Primary dust explosions occur when combustible dust is present and forms a dust cloud (in sufficient amounts) in an enclosed environment, with an ignition source and oxygen.

The Right Tool for Combustible Dust

By Doan Pendleton

By Dec. 1, 2013, employers must train their employees on how to read GHS-formatted safety data sheets and labels.

OSHA Adopts GHS -- Now What?

By Glenn D. Trout

Pictograms are just one of the reasons employers should consider training employees on GHS formats well before the December 2013 deadline.

"I would surely love to be able to rent a swimming pool, but now I am stuck owning one. When it comes to gas detection equipment, however, you do have a choice."

Is Gas Detector Rental Right For Me?

By Jason Wright

In addition to cost savings, an advantage to choosing rental over purchasing gas detectors is that it enables more accurate budgeting for projects.

Most Local Emergency Planning Committees (LEPCs) or Emergency Management Agency (EMA) offices are eager to help facilities review their emergency response plans.

Five Ways to Ensure Response Plans Really Work

By Karen D. Hamel

Don't rely on shelved response plans in an actual emergency.

Choosing the Best Escape Respirator for Your Emergency Response Plan

By Alex Gaggin

Keep in mind, many industrial disasters of the past have resulted from a false sense of security in SOPs and fail-safes.

Given the dangers and its large size and somewhat rural location, Clearwater Paper has had an on-site fire department for more than 30 years.

Prevention and Readiness at Clearwater Paper

By Kate Woldhuis

With an average of 250 fire calls each year, quick response is vital to keep fires from spreading, says Brad Hukreide, fire chief at the Lewiston, Idaho, paper mill.

There are a variety of requirements a safety shower must meet in order to be OSHA/ANSI compliant.

Best Practices for Effective Safety Showers

By Nick Tallos

The first few seconds are crucial. The chemical needs to be washed off by means of a 15-minute drenching as soon as possible to minimize damage.


No-Blame Leadership

By Robert Pater

To move to high-level safety it's necessary to perceive and then neutralize ever-smaller risks, like adjusting the fine-tuning controls on a monitor.

Aiming in the Wrong Direction: The Fallacy of Safety Goals

By Shawn M. Galloway

If you, the leader, are unable to describe in vivid detail what excellence looks like and your strategy to achieve it, don't expect others can.

Real Money, Indeed

By Jerry Laws

Worker's compensation covers less than 25 percent of the medical and indirect costs of occupational injuries and illnesses, according to a recent study.

Artificial Intelligence
