Equipment Tracker

Gensuite’s Equipment Tracker enables subscribers to track critical information about site equipment, enabling the equipment to operate in a safe manner and to provide important safety information to employees using and maintaining it. The product manages the site equipment list, including location and part numbers, and can use a barcode to inventory equipment and ensure inspections are completed.

Product Spotlight

  • Ventis Pro5

    Ventis Pro5

    The Ventis Pro5 from Industrial Scientific is the most flexible connected gas monitor on the market, giving you the power to protect workers from up to five gases, manage worker safety from remote locations, and simplify team communication to take the guesswork out of gas detection. It automatically shares real-time gas readings, man-down, and panic alarms between peers so the entire team knows who is in danger and why. Visit ASSP Safety booth #1115 or 3

  • Buddy System or Supervisor’s Package

    Buddy System or Supervisor’s Package

    Do You Have People Working Alone? Use an employee check-in system and a lot can happen between employee “check-in’s”. Check-in systems do not work ▪ You need an Immediate Notification System Heavy Duty-Intrinscially Safe Worker Worn Alarms Grace Lone Worker Systems: DO NOT - Rely upon cellular networks DO NOT - Require internet connections INTEGRATE with SCADA/Fire/Weather Alarms BEST OF ALL - NO Subscription Fees Check-Out our simple Buddy System or Supervisor’s Package. Advanced Location Monitoring with MS2000X ▪ SMS Safety Monitor ▪ Grace-Watch®. SC500 GracePointsφGPS® provides both outdoor GPS and indoor Grace Locator Beacon locations. See Us at ASSP Booth 2050 3

  • TRADESAFE Lockout Tagout Station Cabinet

    TRADESAFE Lockout Tagout Station Cabinet

    Elevate your Lockout Tagout (LOTO) safety game with TRADESAFE Lockout Tagout Station Cabinet—the ultimate safety solution for businesses that prioritize smart, reliable, and efficient safety measures. Featuring 70 LOTO devices, this durable cabinet offers the versatility you need to safely lock out hazardous energy sources during maintenance or repairs. With a spacious interior, you can easily organize and store all your LOTO devices in one place. Order yours today. 3

