Electrical Safety Foundation International Teams with Home Depot

Again this year, the foundation and the store chain are encouraging consumers to be aware of electrical safety during the holiday season.

The Electrical Safety Foundation International has awardded its 2010 Safety Award for Excellence to The Home Depot for outstanding efforts in promoting electrical safety.

Bill Hamilton, electrical merchandising vice president, accepted the honor on behalf of The Home Depot during the National Electrical Manufacturers Association's 2010 Illuminations Dinner in Palm Beach, Fla. earlier this month. The SAFE award recognizes utilities, manufacturers, distributors, associations, agencies, nonprofit associations, and other industry-related organizations for their support of ESFI's mission to improve electrical safety awareness.

"Relationships with industry organizations play a vital role in expanding the reach of ESFI's safety messages," said ESFI President Brett Brenner. "The commitment of The Home Depot to electrical safety demonstrates their genuine concern for the safety of their employees, customers, and communities."

The foundation and the store chain have conducted a national holiday safety campaign for the past four years to increase consumers' awareness of home electrical hazards during the winter holiday season. This year, they're asking families and communities to Make Safety a Tradition of the holiday season (www.holidaysafety.org). The chain is ESFI's first and sole retail partner.

"The Home Depot's reputation as a leading provider of quality products and solutions has provided ESFI with a powerful new channel for connecting with consumers," said Brenner.


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