HFES Checking Downturn's Effect on Ergonomists
Are ergonomists and human factors professionals being pummeled by the economic slump? The Human Factors and Ergonomics Society wants to know, so it had an independent consulting firm distribute a survey March 25 to about 2,200 members (excluding students and retired members). The survey asks about salary and compensation levels, as well. HFES last conducted a salary and compensation survey in 2005.
Questions include whether HFES members are experiencing reduced benefits and travel budgets, hiring freezes, and layoffs. Members who own businesses will be asked whether the number, size, and payment of contract work has been affected.
HFES expects to have the results by the end of April and a full report soon after that includes cross-tabulations, such as salary by highest degree and by geographical location. The 2009 Salary and Compensation Survey Report will help job seekers and potential employers know the "going rate" for positions in consulting, research, industry, and government and military agencies based on a candidate experience and other factors.
To place an advance order for the report (free to respondents, $50 for HFES members, $300 for non-members and institutions), contact HFES Communications Director Lois Smith at 310-394-1811 or fax 310-394-2410.