Last Appeal Against Construction Ergonomics Standard Denied

A final effort to have the ANSI/ASSE A10.40-2007 American National Standard, Reduction of Musculoskeletal Problems in Construction withdrawn has been dismissed by the American National Standards Institute Appeals Board Panel. The appeal had been brought by the Construction Industry Employer Coalition, a group of five construction trade associations, which has been trying to block the standard since it was approved by the ANSI/ASSE A10 Accredited Standards Committee on Construction and Demolition Operations in 2006.

The board upheld its approval of the standard after an appeal hearing on March 14, 2008, and the coalition then appealed again, on May 5 -- the last appeal available under ANSI procedures.

The voluntary standard aims to prevent musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs) through risk assessment and the hierarchy of controls, training, PPE, and assessment of workers' physical capabilities. For help in preventing MSDs in construction, ASSE recommends a NIOSH booklet that is available at ASSE's position statement on ergonomics is online at


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