June 2018

  • DEFIBRILLATORS & CPR: SCA Survivor Spreads the Word About Learning CPR
  • RISK MANAGEMENT: Vision 20/20: Preventing Opportunity Blindness
  • IH/GAS DETECTION: Combating the 'Rodney Dangerfield Effect' in Gas Detection
  • HAND PROTECTION: ISEA 138: Raising the Standard for Hand Impact Protection
  • HAND PROTECTION: Safety Professionals, 'We've Got a Problem'
  • HAND PROTECTION: Helping Hands Keep Their Cool
  • OIL & GAS SAFETY: In Gas and Oil, It All Starts from the Ground Up
  • VISION PROTECTION: How to Simplify Eye Protection Selection Among Diverse Oil & Gas Applications
  • SAFETY 2018 PREVIEW: Challenges and Opportunities
  • SAFETY 2018 PREVIEW: Safety and Security in Sunny San Antonio
  • ELECTRICAL SAFETY: Workplace Electrical Safety and Organizational Context
  • HEAT STRESS: Beat the Heat!
  • ERGONOMICS: Carpal Tunnel Syndrome: What We Know
  • TRANSPORTATION SAFETY: Improving Safety with Video Surveillance Solutions
  • HAZARD AWARENESS: Going on Offense for Safety
  • DRUG & ALCOHOL TESTING: Top Ten Mistakes Employers Make When Conducting Workplace Drug and Alcohol Testing
  • DRUG & ALCOHOL TESTING: Prescription Drugs and Safety Warnings: The Impact for Providers and Employers
  • EMPLOYEE GIFTS & INCENTIVES: Keeping Safe Practices Front and Center
  • Click here to subscribe.

Cover Story

A physical therapist was practicing yoga nearby. She ran over to see what was happening, and quickly began administering CPR.

SCA Survivor Spreads the Word About Learning CPR

By Kathleen Simpson

"Keep spreading the word, teaching the public, and pushing for AED access laws in your communities. Stories like mine are the best teaching tools," says SCA survivor J.R. Bourne.


Safety professionals should specify hand protection with methodical and scientific care in order to choose the perfect glove for the worker in his or her job environment. (Radians photo)

Safety Professionals, 'We've Got a Problem'

By Mary Padron

Choose hand protection solutions via form, function, and fit.

There are many approaches to managing CTS following diagnosis. Most are considered conservative approaches, and their effectiveness varies greatly. (Humantech Inc. illustration)

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome: What We Know

By Blake McGowan

Although CTS is a strong driver of workers' compensation costs, lost wages, lost productivity, and disability, there is still a limited understanding of its frequency and causes in working populations.

Ensuring that safety eyewear fits every worker properly—and comfortably—is a tall order, but a vital one. (Honeywell Uvex photo)

How to Simplify Eye Protection Selection Among Diverse Oil & Gas Applications

By Wanda Sanchez-Miller

When outfitted with the proper lens tint, workers benefit from reduced eye strain, enhanced visual perception, and increased safety and productivity.

Tomorrow on the job, ask yourself, "What am I not seeing?"

Going on Offense for Safety

By Steve Opper

The next time you are around any hazard, remember to focus on the presence of the hazard and not allow your mind to get lost in unrelated compulsive thought.

Video surveillance could be used to investigate a high incidence of accidents and injuries with a particular piece of equipment and determine whether employees are following safety practices. A review of the video might show that injuries are occurring because the equipment isn

Improving Safety with Video Surveillance Solutions

By Anthony Incorvati

These systems are used for security purposes, but they are also used for much more, including operations, maintenance, and safety.

Testing multiple places on the fingers is crucial to properly protecting workers because it reflects the reality of how end-users really experience workplace injuries.

ISEA 138: Raising the Standard for Hand Impact Protection

By Rodney Taylor

The standard is specifically designed for industrial gloves and the special protection they offer to workers.

Preventing opportunity blindness is not about what others see, it is about how you choose to view the world and the actions you take to transform it into something more. (J.A. Rodriguez Jr. photo)

Vision 20/20: Preventing Opportunity Blindness

By J.A. Rodriguez Jr.

We humans are great at connecting dots when information is missing. The downfall of that is it leads to inaccurate assumptions, which lead to consequential actions, which lead us toward unplanned and often unwanted results.

Consider the role of mixed messages in communicating priorities to workers.

Workplace Electrical Safety and Organizational Context

By Richard Campbell

Good safety practice requires that workers take responsibility for their own safety and that of their co-workers. But it's also important that organizations empower them to do so.

The DOT drug testing panel change affects not only the 6.3 million DOT drug tests that are projected to occur this year on covered employees and candidates, but also how employers address prescription drug use in the workplace beyond DOT positions.

Prescription Drugs and Safety Warnings: The Impact for Providers and Employers

By Nina M. French, Christine M. Jensen

Employers can and should test employees for illegal prescription drug use and illicit drug abuse. Further, employers may test job applicants pre-employment and continue to monitor for abuse in the workplace.

If there is reasonable suspicion to test and trained managers have determined that testing should be conducted, then the testing still should occur regardless of the employee

Top Ten Mistakes Employers Make When Conducting Workplace Drug and Alcohol Testing

By Kathryn J. Russo

Many workplace drug and alcohol testing policies do not define "refusing to test" and provide no disciplinary consequences for it. This is a serious mistake.

Obviously, having a healthier workforce translates into reduced healthcare costs, less absenteeism and increased productivity. There are indirect benefits, as well.

Keeping Safe Practices Front and Center

By Jeff Edwards

Your employee safety incentive program should feature job-specific goals and objectives that are clearly defined and measurable.

More manufacturers are paying attention to cooling construction and technologies to help keep workers protected. (Magid Glove photo)

Helping Hands Keep Their Cool

By M.B. Sutherland

As new technology and ideas develop, you’ll begin to see many different combinations as customers think about what works best for their applications and ask for it in the marketplace.

Many young and new safety professionals struggle because they try to master too many subjects. It

Challenges and Opportunities

By Jerry Laws

"It's important for young and new safety professionals to remember that success in the safety field requires a commitment to continuous learning. Don't ever reach a point where you think you know everything there is to know."

The exposition will take place at the Henry B. González Convention Center, which was built in 1968. (VisitSanAntonio.com photo)

Safety and Security in Sunny San Antonio

By Jessica Davis

A particularly relevant session this year is the June 6 General Session, a panel discussion about preparing for workplace violence and active shooter incidents.

The fact that these people put their boots on and go to work in any and all conditions demands that they deserve the right footwear to help them get the job done—and, more importantly, get home safe after every shift. (Dunlop Protective Footwear USA photo)

In Gas and Oil, It All Starts from the Ground Up

By Colin Clark

Different footwear materials have different pros and cons for workers in this industry.

Pay attention to your gas detection program. If you aren

Combating the 'Rodney Dangerfield Effect' in Gas Detection

By Kyle Krueger

Unfortunately for the individual user and the companies that mandate these monitors, there needs to be a correction. If not, there can be some dire consequences.


The Takata Recall Hits Home

By Jerry Laws

More air bags are scheduled to be recalled by December 2019, bringing the total number of affected airbags to around 65 million to 70 million.

Constructing Remarkable Attention, Decisions, and Action Safety

By Robert Pater

All buildings and systems require resources of time, funds, equipment, and effort.

Ten Questions to Mature Executive Safety Thinking

By Shawn M. Galloway

Cultures of today are a result of practices of the past.

Artificial Intelligence
