SKC Inc.


Noise Monitors

SKC introduces the SKC NoiseCHEK personal dosimeter, SoundCHEK Essential and Connect sound level meters, and AcoustiCHEK Calibrator. All are designed for ease and reliable value with features from essential to advanced. Perform easy, accurate workplace assessments and environmental monitoring with SKC -- quality and service you trust. Learn more at

    Product Spotlight

    • Infrared (IR) electrical scans

      Infrared (IR) electrical scans

      Uncover electrical system component issues, prevent worker downtime and reduce employee injuries. Infrared (IR) electrical scans from e-Hazard quickly find and help solve problem areas in your electrical systems. IR electrical scans are needed because electrical system components put out excess heat caused by increased resistance when something is not working properly. IR electrical testing helps determine wiring errors, overloaded systems, loose connections, damaged switchgears, or components that are likely to fail. 3

    • Buddy System or Supervisor’s Package

      Buddy System or Supervisor’s Package

      Do You Have People Working Alone? Use an employee check-in system and a lot can happen between employee “check-in’s”. Check-in systems do not work ▪ You need an Immediate Notification System Heavy Duty-Intrinscially Safe Worker Worn Alarms Grace Lone Worker Systems: DO NOT - Rely upon cellular networks DO NOT - Require internet connections INTEGRATE with SCADA/Fire/Weather Alarms BEST OF ALL - NO Subscription Fees Check-Out our simple Buddy System or Supervisor’s Package. Advanced Location Monitoring with MS2000X ▪ SMS Safety Monitor ▪ Grace-Watch®. SC500 GracePointsφGPS® provides both outdoor GPS and indoor Grace Locator Beacon locations. See Us at ASSP Booth 2050 3

    • Kestrel® Heat Stress Monitoring System

      Ensure worker safety & regulatory compliance with the Kestrel® Heat Stress Monitoring System from Kestrel®. With real-time remote access to critical data, leaders have the information to make timely decisions preventing workplace heat-related injuries and incidents. The Kestrel 5400 Heat Stress Tracker with LiNK connects via Bluetooth to a wall-mounted remote monitoring tablet showing current data. ºStop by ASSP Safety booth #1014. 3

