IIHS study shows Honda, Subaru and Volvo in top for safety.
The state department of inspections and appeals has drafted new food safety standards set to start Jan. 1, 2014.
The safety challenges of a booming industry were met on many fronts in 2013, from training and recruitment to regulatory changes and safety stand-downs.
Time, money, safety, productivity, and even employee morale are on the line when implementing equipment-based solutions.
The height and cylindrical shape of tanker trucks can pose a real safety risk to workers who have to climb around on top of them.
Here's what OSHA's Dec. 1, 2013, training deadline should mean to you.
Natural disasters are not falling by the wayside. In fact, they seem to be more frequent than ever before. Here's why it is important to be prepared.
Several companies already are operating recreational marijuana tours. The state's ski industry may benefit from more tourists this year, as well.
What do you do about a problem that is never going away? I think you have to design around it.
Two significant OSHA rulemaking actions took center stage in late 2013, which may be remembered as a milestone year for recordkeeping changes. Also, DOL issued a rule that makes direct care workers eligible for overtime and minimum wage protection.
Poorly designed gloves force workers to compensate for lack of support, thereby placing unnecessary stress on their muscles and joints.
Poudre Valley Hospital is recommending the testing for 210 former patients who were treated in its intensive care unit between Sept. 1, 2011, and Aug. 28, 2012. A former employee suspected of diverting prescription painkillers may have put them at risk of exposure.
Sites in six states were selected from among 25 proposals from 24 states, the Federal Aviation Administration announced Dec. 30.
OSHA cites the company for two repeat safety violations.
The partnership is aimed at reducing worker deaths and injuries.
The agency's latest labor force and employment projections assume the economy will have reached full employment by that year.
One applies to texting by drivers under 18, another extends the statute of limitations for hit-and-run collisions involving death or a permanent, serious injury.