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FDA Approves New Wireless Device for Heart Failure Patients

The agency has approved the first-ever implantable wireless device with remote monitoring to measure pulmonary artery pressure and heart rate in patients with heart failure.

Satellite Rescue Network Inducted into Space Technology Hall of Fame

The international COSPAS-SARSAT rescue network has been instrumental in saving more than 37,000 people worldwide, including more than 7,300 in the United States thanks to NOAA satellite operations.

Cadbury Chocolate Recalled for Pork DNA

The chocolate manufacturer has recalled products sold in stores throughout Malaysia for traces of pork DNA.

OSHA's 2014 Heat Safety Campaign Under Way

The agency has begun this year's campaign aimed at preventing heat-related illnesses.

The number of work-related ladder falls, fatal and non-fatal, in 2011 indicate there is a need for innovative solutions to be developed, the NIOSH team concluded.

After Four Deaths, Cal/OSHA Launches Construction Inspection Blitz

The fatalities occurred on construction sites May 18-21 and are still under investigation. The goal of the inspections is to "raise awareness for everyone working in construction that hazards can be identified and corrected," said acting Cal/OSHA Chief Juliann Sum.

Hypothermia Trial Beginning in Pittsburgh

Doctors will try to save seriously injured patients -– dying patients, actually -– by using the procedure.

American Industrial Hygiene Foundation Awards 40 Scholarships

The recipients will be honored June 3 during the AIHce 2014 conference.

According to NTSB, there is no standardized thermal runaway test conducted in the environment and conditions that would most accurately reflect how the battery would perform when installed and operated on an in-service airplane. (NTSB photo)

NTSB Warns B787 Battery Certification Deficient

The agency's recommendations stem from its investigation of the Jan. 7, 2013, fire in a lithium-ion battery on a Boeing 787 that was parked at Boston Logan Airport.

NFPA Conference Features Surgical Fires Panel Discussion

The association's Health Care Section is sponsoring the June 11 panel.

Click It or Ticket Campaign Under Way

"Our message to drivers is simple: If you're not buckled up, we'll see it. And we'll give you a ticket every single time," Acting NHTSA Administrator David J. Friedman warned.

World Health Assembly Approves Hepatitis Resolution

The resolution notes the importance of implementing measures to protect vulnerable groups and says there is a need to improve screening.

OSHA Forms Alliance with American Staffing Association to Protect Temps

The workplace safety agency is continuing to build on the initiative it launched in April 2013.

This photo shows the West Building at the Orange County Convention Center, where the Safety 2014 conference will take place. (Visit Orlando photo)

Getting Ready for Safety 2014

Orlando's spacious Orange County Convention Center welcomes ASSE's annual conference next month.

Walt Disney to Underwrite Safety Matters Silent Auction

Walt Disney Co. will be underwriting the silent auction taking place during ASSE's annual conference.


MIOSHA Urges Contractors to Register for 'Building Up Residential Safety Day'

Staffers will visit residential construction sites to focus on specific hazards the employers have requested. No citations and penalties for participating employers will be issued, but participants must agree to correct all serious conditions.

ASSE Hosting PDC in India This Month

The American Society of Safety Engineers is holding its first professional development conference in India -- May 26-27 in Chennai.

EPA Announces $3.6 Million in Job Training Grants

The money is intended to provide help so unemployed Americans can find jobs in the environmental sector.


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