EPA Announces $3.6 Million in Job Training Grants

The money is intended to provide help so unemployed Americans can find jobs in the environmental sector.

EPA has announced $3.6 million in environmental job training grants as part of the Environmental Workforce Development and Job Training (EWDJT) program. The agency selected 18 grantees for the award, according to its news release. The grants fund training programs in local nonprofits, community colleges, cities, states, tribes, and counties that provide services to unemployed and underemployed citizens (including veterans and low-income individuals).

The grants will fund full-time green job opportunities for citizens in fields such as recycling, brownfields assessment and cleanup, wastewater treatment, stormwater management, emergency response, oil spill cleanup, solar installation, and Superfund site remediation. The program will train graduates and give them the skills needed to secure a full-time, sustainable job in various areas of the environmental field with an average hourly starting wage of $14, according to EPA. In addition, program graduates will be obtaining employment in their own communities

The recipients of the 18 grants are:

  • Hunters Point Family; San Francisco, Calif.
  • City of Durham, N.C.
  • Memphis Bioworks, Tenn.
  • City of Milwaukee, Wis.
  • Los Angeles Conservation Corps, Calif.
  • Cypress Mandela Training Center; Oakland, Calif.
  • St. Nicks Alliance; Brooklyn, N.Y.
  • Civic Works; Baltimore, Md.
  • Community Development Corporation of Tampa, Fla.
  • Limitless Vistas; New Orleans, La.
  • City of Camden, Ark.
  • Energy Coordinating Agency; Philadelphia, Pa.
  • Lewis and Clark County, Mont.
  • Alaska Forum
  • Northstar Center for Human Development; Hartford, Conn.
  • City of Detroit, Mich.
  • The Workplace, Inc.; Bridgeport, Conn.
  • Mo-Kan Regional Council; St. Joseph, Mo.


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