The DOL has awarded the grants as part of the Strengthening Working Families Initiative.
The update will clarify rules for contractors, as well as ensure equal opportunity.
The San Francisco-based utility's exercise on June 8 involved more than 400 employees in San Francisco, Oakland, Concord, San Ramon and in other locations and a simulated earthquake lasting 10-25 seconds that devastated much of the Bay Area. The drill consisted of two parts to practice the immediate response after the earthquake and restoration and customer support efforts 72 hours later.
The Federal Transit Administration opened what it calls a national online dialogue this week about assaults on transit workers and announced it will publish a Notice of Proposed Rulemaking that establishes rail and bus safety standards protecting rail and bus operators from the risk of assault. The online dialogue began June 13 and continues until July 25.
"With approximately 30,000 men, women, and children dying each year at the barrel of a gun in elementary schools, movie theaters, workplaces, houses of worship, and on live television, the United States faces a public health crisis of gun violence," said AMA President Dr. Steven J. Stack, M.D.
An investigation led to a declaration of imminent hazard to public safety by the agency.
The agency alleges Amazon did not properly package and mark the package, given the contents.
"Cuba has made significant contributions to health and science, as evidenced by their contribution to the Ebola response in West Africa and becoming the first country to eliminate mother-to-child HIV transmission. This new collaboration is a historic opportunity for two nations to build on each other's knowledge and experience and benefit biomedical research and public health at large," HHS Secretary Burwell said.
All workers who are covered by the state workers' compensation system or a self-insured employer are eligible to be nominated. The nominee must have performed "hands-on" aid in saving a life.
Cholera is rare in the United States, but travelers to parts of the world with inadequate water and sewage treatment and poor sanitation are at risk for infection. Travelers to such areas have relied on preventive strategies recommended by CDC to protect themselves against cholera, including safe food and water practices and frequent hand washing.
The National Fire Protection Association's annual Conference & Expo is taking place June 13-16 at the Mandalay Bay Convention Center in Las Vegas.
The comment period had been set to end June 8 on the FMCSA and FRA notice requesting information about the evaluation of safety-sensitive personnel for moderate-to-severe obstructive sleep apnea.
The July 12-14 course will give students an overview of photographic procedures and techniques focused on documenting transportation accident investigations in photos.
Paramo Daniela Construction was cited for willful, repeat. and other than serious violations.
The rule would help prevent injuries at metal and nonmetal mines.
Their special shareholder meetings are scheduled to begin simultaneously at 10 a.m. in Wilmington, Del., and Midland, Mich.
NFI Interactive Logistics has been ordered to reinstate the employee and pay a total of $276,000, DOL announced.