The company returned a hydraulic press to operation without adding safety guarding after a 65-year-old employee's right middle finger tip was amputated as he lowered a press used to square parts for washing machines and dryers, according to OSHA.
Safety requirements that pertain to the testing of autonomous vehicles will apply to autonomous vehicle operation, and the law allows for automated vehicle platoons, where vehicles travel together at electronically coordinated speeds, and authorizes on-demand autonomous vehicle networks.
Alaska's voters legalized commercial marijuana in November 2015; the Marijuana Control Board was created in the summer of 2015.
March is an ideal time to highlight and encourage ladder safety because it coincides with Spring home improvement projects and the beginning of the construction season, and it precedes OSHA's National Fall Prevention Stand-Down, NSC's National Safety Month in June, and the ASSE national conference in June.
Airlines would have to disclose in advance if they allow voice calls on flights.
"Sadly, this report reconfirms that opioids such as heroin and fentanyl -- and diverted prescription pain pills -- are killing people in this country at a horrifying rate," DEA Acting Administrator Chuck Rosenberg said this week. "We face a public health crisis of historic proportions."
The July 30, 2016, crash in Lockhart, Texas, killed the pilot and 15 passengers. The board's Dec. 9 hearing will examine the circumstances of the accident and the larger issues involving the safety of hot-air ballooning, including commercial balloon operations, training and decision-making, regulation and oversight, and medical factors.
The 108-page guide developed in partnership with AgSafe and the BC Dairy Association covers various hazards, including confined spaces, working with electricity, livestock and animal medicines, mobile equipment, ergonomics, PPE, respiratory protection, and fall protection.
The company manufactures feed and sells used agricultural machinery.
The company has pledged to fix forklift hazards.
The immediate speculation is that Andrew Puzder, if confirmed, will abandon the Department of Labor's rule that would raise the salary threshold for eligibility for overtime. A federal judge enjoined DOL from enforcing it as planned Dec. 1, 2016, and the Obama administration then appealed that injunction.
A study says those who wore body armor were over twice as likely to survive a shooting.
Hajime Yoshimura will serve a one-year term as president of the ICAO Air Navigation Commission beginning on Jan. 1, 2017. It is the UN civil aviation organization's main technical body.
WHO acceptance of the test comes at a time when direct acting antivirals, new and highly effective medicines for HCV, are becoming increasingly affordable and available in low- and middle-income countries.
"For the first time in a generation, we are able to restrict chemicals already in commerce that pose risks to public health and the environment," said Jim Jones, assistant administrator for the Office of Chemical Safety and Pollution Prevention.
Pruitt has been a fierce and outspoken challenger of environmental actions taken by President Obama's administration.
The agency issued a Request for Information on whether to propose such a standard and also scheduled the public meeting for Jan. 10, 2017, in Washington, D.C.