Head and face hazards are a constant for workers in construction, waste management, and in some manufacturing settings.
"This is a major step forward for autonomous technology in California," DMV Director Jean Shiomoto said. "Safety is our top concern, and we are ready to begin working with manufacturers that are prepared to test fully driverless vehicles in California."
Dock equipment keeps conditioned air inside. HVLS fans circulate air to boost employee comfort, safety, and efficiency.
There are a number of ways to guard against heat stress, and those can be divided into preventative measures, protective measures, and proper attire.
You may be eliminating perfectly good anchor points where it’s already difficult to achieve proper fall protection.
The IG's Feb. 20 report concluded LANL did not fully implement an effective Prevention Program as required, did not complete hazard assessments with sampling plans for each record in its 2016 beryllium inventory, and released potentially contaminated areas for other use without a formal evaluation to ensure any residual contamination was within acceptable limits.
The state's Automated Red Light Enforcement program works to improve safety at signalized intersections by providing automated enforcement at locations where data shows red light running has been a problem. Total funding since 2010 has reached $62.87 million for 366 safety projects.
"The risks associated with the types of counterfeit goods we purchased can extend beyond the infringement of a company's intellectual property rights," the report says. "For example, a UL investigation of counterfeit iPhone adapters found a 99 percent failure rate in 400 counterfeit adapters tested for safety, fire, and shock hazards and found that 12 of the adapters posed a risk of lethal electrocution to the user."
The agency noted that the increasing threat of infectious diseases spurs the need for breakthrough technologies and capabilities to protect first responders and equip them with therapeutics to stop infectious agents.
The bill's author, Assemblyman James Gallagher, said the new law will ensure "that California leads national and global efforts to update and modernize dam safety requirements."
Nursing Now is a three-year campaign run in collaboration with the International Council of Nurses and the World Health Organization; it is a program of the Burdett Trust for Nursing.
A public meeting has been scheduled for March 14 at 5 p.m. in Richland, Wash., so area residents can learn more about the plans to finish filling and stabilizing two large tunnels there that have been used to store contaminated waste.
The clock is ticking toward an April 2019 deadline for 30 states with rail transit systems that must obtain certification of their State Safety Oversight Programs.
During the five-year alliance, participants will provide USITT and IATSE members with information and educational resources that address falls, electrical hazards, ergonomics, and other industry hazards.
"This initiative is a direct effort to fill the void in guidance on dropped object incidents, which have continued to rise in recent years," Boake Paugh, president of West Coast Corporation and a member of ISEA's Dropped Object Prevention Group.
The conference is taking place at the Hotel Nikko San Francisco and features RHP Risk Management's Randy McClure among the speakers.
This year's Summit includes a Technology Showcase with more than 275 exhibitors and features presentations on topics such as autonomous robots, next-generation lithium-based batteries, high power systems and thermal management challenges in Defense, and quantifying technical risk for advanced nuclear reactors.