Oregon OSHA is proposing to extend protective measures against the pandemic regardless of improvement.
Red River Commodities Inc. signed a settlement agreement with OSHA due to an employee’s extensive injuries.
Episode 63
In this episode, listen in as Editor Sydny Shepard talks about safety measures in grain bins, a new Secretary of Labor and could California employers get advance notification of Cal/OSHA inspections?
Event is hosted to spread awareness about deadly accidents.
Police report says two workers who were injured in February have recovered.
CDPH: Local health departments must know about all workplace outbreaks.
A new assembly bill introduced in California could give employers advance notice of Cal/OSHA inspections or investigations.
Episode 62
In this episode, Editor Sydny Shepard interviews Thomas Kramer, Managing Principal at LJB, Inc, on fall protection standards and what organizations, employers and safety directors can be doing to ensure the safety of their workers at heights.
Campaign helps educate transportation operators educate the public about the federal requirement to wear masks while traveling.
Employer stresses the importance sanitation and social distancing.
Technology could be the Answer to safety in the workplace.
The mayor of Boston, Marty Walsh, was confirmed as the newest Labor Secretary on Monday.
The pharmaceutical company assures Americans this vaccine is the shot to choose.
146 lives were lost in a deadly fire; ASSP wants the tragedy to never be forgotten.
As with any workplace device, facial temperature screening technology must be deployed in the correct manner to have its desired effect.
Episode 61
Listen in on top safety news topics such as OSHA's new National Emphasis Program, the FDA's recommendations for coronavirus screening tests and how to thoughtfully encourage COVID-19 vaccinations without mandates.
Mental Health index reports awareness and concerns.