
MSDS Technology Made Simple

AS if it weren't hard enough keeping business flowing smoothly and clients and employees safe and happy, you must also keep up with the latest technology.

Inside the Ergonomics Toolbox

IN a perfect world, every company large or small would have a trained professional on staff to evaluate and solve ergonomic problems. But in the real world, the responsibility often falls in the hands of someone with little formal training.

Starting the 'Fire' Under an Unmotivated Employee

AN employer of any size is always seeking a way to reduce the costs associated with absenteeism, injuries, worker's compensation claims, insurance claims, and/or poor morale. With our aging workforce and the natural risks associated with aging, time and efforts may seem fruitless.

From Boom to Bust?

NEWS flashes from the convention front lines are not encouraging. If the meetings industry's own forecasts and experts are correct, a senseless building boom of U.S. convention centers will continue through 2007 at least.

Online Training for On-Site Testing

WHAT can a company do to help prevent theft, accidents, high health care costs, and lost productivity caused by sick leave and employee absences? For many, the answer is as simple as buying some plastic cups.

Getting Results from Safety Meetings

THE meeting notice has been sent, the room reserved, the flip charts are in place, and the stale donuts are arranged next to the coffee. People file in and take their seats.Over the years, untold hours have been spent in safety meetings.

Protecting the Inspectors

TUMWATER, Wash.-- December 17, 2002--The Department of Labor and Industries said it will take whatever steps are necessary to provide protection to its inspectors and other employees in the field who occasionally encounter threatening people. A recent example occurred in Winthrop, Okanogan County, in which L&I asked the county prosecutor to file charges against a man who assaulted an L&I electrical inspector. . . .

The Mission of First Responder

NEW sections are rare in this magazine. During my seven years as its editor, just one has launched--Workplace Ergonomics--but it was not new.

'Making the Case': CD or Print?

A bruise, a cut, an eye, a finger, a little lost work . . . the costs of a workplace injury can quickly add up. However, construction safety officers and their supervisors daily weigh these costs against the costs of providing their employees with the proper personal protective equipment.

Ten Signs an Applicant is a Lawsuit Waiting to Happen

Employee lawsuits often will catch companies by surprise. Often, though, a worker's application is a tip-off that the employer is hiring a lawsuit that's just waiting to happen. By looking for these 10 danger signals, an employer can avoid hiring a problem in the first place.

Product Showcase

  • Kestrel 5400 Heat Stress Tracker WBGT Monitoring for Workplace Safety

    Ensure safety with the Kestrel® 5400 Heat Stress Tracker, the go-to choice for safety professionals and endorsed by the Heat Safety & Performance Coalition. This robust, waterless WBGT meter is ideal for both indoor and outdoor environments, offering advanced monitoring and data logging essential for OSHA compliance. It features pre-programmed ACGIH guidelines and alert settings to quickly signal critical conditions. Integrated with the cloud-based Ambient Weather Network, the 5400 allows managers to view, track, and log job site conditions remotely, ensuring constant awareness of potential hazards. Its capability for real-time mobile alerts and remote data access promotes proactive safety management and workplace protection, solidifying its role as a crucial tool in industrial hygiene. Read More

  • AirChek Connect Sampling Pump

    Stay connected to your sampling with the SKC AirChek® Connect Sampling Pump! With its Bluetooth connection to PC and mobile devices, you can monitor AirChek Connect pump operation without disrupting workflow. SKC designed AirChek Connect specifically for all OEHS professionals to ensure accurate, reliable flows from 5 to 5000 ml/min and extreme ease of use. AirChek Connect offers easy touch screen operation and flexibility. It is quality built to serve you and the workers you protect. Ask about special pricing and a demo at AIHA Connect Booth 1003. Read More


    With alkaline or rechargeable options, these safety rated, Class 1, Div. 1 Headlamps provide long runtime with both spot and flood options in the same light. Work safely and avoid trip hazards with flexible hands-free lighting from Streamlight. Read More

