
The trains will be built to be fully automatic, but there will be operators aboard them when they first enter service starting in 2022, London Underground reported. (Transport for London photo)

New London Subway Trains to Be Fully Automatic

The design for 250 new trains has been selected. They'll be in service from the mid-2020s but will have an operator on board when they first enter service, Transport for London reported.

OSHA, FCC, NATE Holding Tower Climbing Workshop Oct. 14

The workshop will consist of two panel discussions -- the first titled "Diagnosing the Problem: Causes of High Fatality and Injury Rates" and the second titled "Implementing the Solution: Identifying and Adapting Best Practices."

Dallas Nurse's Ebola Diagnosis Raises Concern

President Obama was briefed Sunday by HHS Secretary Sylvia Burwell and ordered federal authorities to take immediate additional steps to ensure hospitals and health care providers nationwide are prepared to follow protocols should they encounter an Ebola patient.

FedEx Ground Packaging System Inc. Cited for Machine Guarding Hazard

OSHA has previously cited the company in 2010 and 2011 for similar hazards at facilities in Grove City, Ohio, and Syracuse, N.Y.

OSHA Cites Haverhill Chemicals in Fatality

The company has been placed in the Severe Violator Enforcement Program, OSHA announced.

Veolia Touts Recycling Success of Eiffel Tower Renovation

With the iconic Paris tower's first floor renovation completed, most of the coverage and commentary has focused on its new glass floor.

NTSB Presents Safety Seminar on Technically Advanced Aircraft

The seminar will be held on Saturday, November 8.

MSHA Releases Findings on Double Fatality

The findings are in regards to the double fatality at a West Virginia coal mine.

NIJ Taking Public Comments on Bomb Suit Testing Standard

Nov. 14 is the comment deadline on the draft standard, which was developed by a panel of technical experts and reviewed by an Advisory Working Group with representatives from organizations that included the National Bomb Squad Commanders Advisory Board, International Association of Chiefs of Police, DHS, and the FBI.

OSHA Publishing RFI on Updated PELs

The agency asks for comments on the 205-page request for information to be submitted within 180 days.

Stair and Cabinet Manufacturer Cited after Employee Amputation

The Newington, Connecticut, company faces fines from OSHA.

OSHA Seeking Proposals for Outreach Training Program

OSHA is looking for proposals for both the 10-hour and 30-hour online courses.

DOT Agencies, USFA Produce Best Practices Document for Crude Oil Emergencies

Their partnership has produced a reference sheet for emergency responders.

The ammonium nitrate fire and massive explosion in West, Texas, killed 15 people and injured more than 250 others in 2013. (CSB photo)

CSB Calls for Changes in Emergency Response Guidebook

The safety board said it should offer better guidance for handling ammonium nitrate fires like the one that turned deadly in West, Texas.

MSHA Chief Says Pattern of Violations Reforms Have Made Mines Safer

Assistant Secretary Joseph A. Main addressed the changes as they neared their second anniversary.

NIOSH Signs Memorandum to Advance Nanotechnology Research

NIOSH has signed the memorandum of understanding with the Colleges of Nanoscale Science and Engineering at SUNY Polytechnic Institute in Albany, N.Y.

The Arc Flash Hazard Analysis Requirements Are Not New

The Occupational Safety and Health Act of December 29, 1970, states “An Act: To assure safe and healthful working conditions for working men and women …” Section 5 of the Act titled Duties goes on to state that the employer “shall furnish to each of his employees employment and a place of employment which are free from recognized hazards that are causing or are likely to cause death or serious physical harm to his employees.”

The Shortage of Qualified Workers – What can be done?

Unemployment and layoff statistics continue to plague industry and are consistently making the news headlines. It may seem hard to believe but, despite national unemployment rates that often hover near double digits, many industries are experiencing worker shortages; workers who are well-trained and qualified. Some industries report that, despite an abundant labor pool, they still have positions for which they can't find qualified candidates to fill. According to a trade’s shortage survey, skilled-trade jobs, which include electricians, are the hardest jobs to fill.

Some 7,000 American drivers per day were treated in emergency departments following motor vehicle crashes in 2012, CDC reported.

Big Day for CDC: #20Million Memorial and Auto Crash Report

The first is an online memorial to the estimated 20 million Americans who have died from smoking or secondhand smoke since the first Surgeon General's report on smoking and health 50 years ago.


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