Caroline Smith DeWaal, the International Food Safety Policy Manager on the International Affairs Staff at FDA's Center for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition, reported it is only the second arrangement of this type; the first one was signed in December 2012 between FDA and New Zealand's food safety agency.
The agency has asked the food industry to reduce sodium in processed and commercially prepared food.
W.S. Steel Erection faces $175,700 in proposed fines.
Little "ooops!" add up to big future problems.
The agency has issued 17 serious violations and $105,000 in penalties for exposures at Alstom's Hornell, N.Y., plant.
CDC and HHS are involved. The Department of Defense notified stakeholders this week that its Multidrug-resistant Organism Repository and Surveillance Network at the Walter Reed Institute of Research had identified the first colistin-resistant mcr-1 E. coli in a person in the United States.
OSHA has issued one repeat, six serious, and one other-than-serious violation.
There are still scenarios where the AHA strictly recommends conventional CPR.
While Director Brian Salerno calls it "one of the most comprehensive offshore safety and environmental protection rules ever developed by the Department of the Interior," one industry group said the rule "could result in unintended negative consequences leading to reduced safety, less environmental protection, fewer American jobs, and decreased U.S. oil and natural gas production."
Despite CDC recommendations, there is no law requiring infection prevention training for any construction worker or other vendor working in a health care facility.
For those who attended the 2015 National Safety Council Congress & Expo nine months ago, the facility’s layout and downtown Atlanta are familiar territory.
Next is the concern that PPE is unattractive or doesn't fit properly. If employees are content with their appearance, they will be more likely to use PPE.
Non-weather dependent hot work environments are created by the heat generated and/or contained within the environment, due to the task being performed, or both.
Temperature, humidity, and pressure levels at the location all have a direct bearing on the type of equipment that should be selected.
Wise companies have attempted many strategies for mitigating the drag-down effects of older workers while trying to maximize their strengths.
The ripple effects of the 2016 proposed rule have yet to be determined.
Efforts by the fishing industry, Coast Guard, and National Marine Fisheries Service have all contributed to the fleet's improved safety.
Setting up an AED program takes planning but is not difficult. Here are the key steps to implementing one within the workplace.
Yoga classes were the top wellness activity for incentives, and 41 percent of the MeetingsNet/IRF survey’s respondents said they consciously build wellness opportunities into their agendas.
"The board has made it clear it wants ASSE to improve service to our current members and attract new ones, bolster the educational outreach available through our professional development offerings, become a leader in developing OSH standards, and elevate the value of the profession within the business community," said Dennis Hudson, whose appointment is effective June 1. "It's a tall order, but with all 72 employees working together, ASSE will be better and stronger than ever."