
BSEE Provides Details on Oil Spill Response Efforts

The agency participated in the Arctic Oil Spill Response Research and Technology Workshop on April 26.

New York State Ready to Begin Testing Autonomous Vehicles

"While we all are familiar with the idea that self-driving cars will one day likely be commonplace, the reality is that there is a long road ahead before we get there. We need to make sure these vehicles are safely tested on our roads, while providing opportunities for the public to become familiar with this technology," said DMV Executive Deputy Commissioner Terri Egan.

CSB to Release Revised Freedom Industries Report

The board will host a media conference call May 11 to release it, with Chairperson Vanessa Allen Sutherland participating.

ASSE Announces 2017 Election Results

"Elections are the heart of a professional society, and I'm happy to see our members staying involved and showing their commitment to voting," said ASSE President Tom Cecich, CSP, CIH, whose term expires June 30, following the Safety 2017 conference in Denver.

New Maryland Law Codifies VPP

"There is a lot of momentum behind VPP nationally and in the states," said Mike Maddox, VPPPA's executive director. "Few issues bring labor and management – and Democrats and Republicans – together like VPP."

ALS Treatment Drug Approved by FDA

Radicava has been approved to treat patients with ALS, commonly referred to as Lou Gehrig's disease.

The Fire Emergency Mindset


The Fire Emergency Mindset

Response is action. It really is that simple, and it’s happening to each of us every hour of every day. Most of the time, events and responses have little impact on our daily lives.

AIHA: Cannabis Industry Workers Need Protection

The association's The Synergist magazine explores PPE practices for the young industry.

Several railroad grade crossings will get flashing lights and gates as a result of nearly $10 million from the Railroad Safety Grants for the Safe Transportation of Energy Products (STEP) by Rail Program.

Railroad Safety Training Deadlines Extended One Year

To comply with the law, each railroad or contractor employing one or more safety-related railroad employees must submit a training program to FRA for approval and designate the minimum training qualifications for each occupational category of employee. The rule also requires most employers to conduct periodic oversight of their employees and develop annual written reviews of their training programs.

EASA Taking Comments on Rules for Operating Small Drones

The agency has set three categories with different safety requirements, proportionate to the risk.

NTSB Video Commemorates 50 Years of Safety Advances

The safety board released a YouTube video highlighting some of the changes.

NYC Buildings Department: 86 Percent of City's Facades OK

The department's new report summarizes the inspection reports filed during the most recent five-year period by building owners. More than 7,700 buildings in the city have a sidewalk shed in front of them, DOB reported.

CSB Team Examining Fatal Gas Explosion in Colorado

The explosion was caused by a nearby leaking gas well.

FAA Releases Findings on Drones Hitting Humans

This research started in September 2015. The second phase of it, set to begin in June 2017, will examine the risks of drone collisions with aircraft.

UK Firm Fined $972,000 in Asbestos Case

"It was clear there was an endemic failure to effectively manage the construction work on the site in a way which ensured that asbestos materials were not disturbed until removed under appropriate conditions," said HSE Inspector Melvyn Stancliffe. "Failing to prevent the breathing in of asbestos fibers on the site is reckless."

New Training Tool Touted for Canadian Surgeons

PEA surgery involves a heart-lung bypass, full cardiac arrest, and deep hypothermia. "The simulator may reduce the training time for residents by up to six months," said Dr. Marc de Perrot, a thoracic surgeon at UHN – Toronto General Hospital who worked with the council and Bayer to develop the simulator.

Auto Insulation Manufacturer Faces Penalties Following Worker's Injury

The Ohio company has been cited for willful violations of machine safety procedures.

African-American Death Rate Drops 25 Percent

A new CDC report shows a decline from 1999 to 2015.

NSC to Walk Through Injury Facts Report

The council says Americans are more vulnerable to accidental deaths than ever before.

Parent Education Encouraged During Prom Season

The National Safety Council says distraction is a top issue for teen drivers.


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