
Locked Up: Keeping Your Remote Workforce on Track Amidst Health Crisis

Locked Up: Keeping Your Remote Workforce on Track Amidst Health Crisis

Using time tracking software and video conferencing software can help to keep your remote workforce in check, and your options are many.

Lead Poisoning Prevention 101: Your Responsibilities as a Business Owner

Lead Poisoning Prevention 101: Your Responsibilities as a Business Owner

Lead poisoning in the workplace is not only deadly for workers but can also mean legal repercussions for your business.

“Healthier Workplaces. A Healthier World”: AIHA Reveals Its New Brand

At the Virtual AIHce EXP 2020, the American Industrial Hygiene Association unveiled that its brand evolution—titled simply AIHA—will now be tailored to help specifically occupational health and safety science professionals, rather than industrial hygienists. Read the press release below.

Managing Heart Health at Home During COVID-19

Managing Heart Health at Home During COVID-19

Staying healthy amid the many different nuances the pandemic has brought to fruition can be especially tricky for those who live with heart conditions. Fortunately, heart health can be managed successfully at home .

Department of Labor Announces $11.5 Million in Worker Safety and Health Training Grants

The U.S. Department of Labor’s OSHA announced the availability of millions of dollars in grants for nonprofit organizations, employer associations, labor unions, joint labor/management associations, Indian tribes and colleges and universities. Apply by July 20, 2020.

OSHA Releases Guidance for Nursing Home and Long-Term Care Facility Workers

The COVID-19 pandemic has taken its toll on nursing homes around the country. Not only are many elders falling ill, but many nursing home and care workers are trying to mitigate the responsibilities of their job and others’ safety.

The Breath of Safety

Oxygen is a life-essential element that many take for granted; we only note its critical lack when oxygen is diminished or entirely absent.

Electricity is Everywhere

Electricity is Everywhere

Electricity is part of our daily lives, and it’s important to understand the hazards it poses.

New Gas Detection Technology Isolates and More Accurately Measures Dangerous Compounds

New Gas Detection Technology Isolates and More Accurately Measures Dangerous Compounds

Unfortunately, explosions are a real hazard for the petrochemical industry. Luckily, new technology allows communities to detect the right gases in record time.

The Complexities of Achieving Comfort in Fall Protection Harnesses

The Complexities of Achieving Comfort in Fall Protection Harnesses

A well-designed full body harness will disperse any remaining energy in a safe manner to the strong and durable areas of the body.

Leveraging Connectivity in Area Monitoring for Full Worksite Visibility

Leveraging Connectivity in Area Monitoring for Full Worksite Visibility

Area monitors are the latest safety technology to join the cloud-connected digital transformation.  

Safety 2020 Goes Virtual

Safety 2020 Goes Virtual

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, ASSP shifts its multi-day tradeshow to a full online platform.

Leveraging Technology to Drive Workplace Ergonomics

Leveraging Technology to Drive Workplace Ergonomics

Facilitating an effective and sustainable ergonomics process does not have to be pen-and-paper, old-fashioned and outdated.

Why Do I Still Get Wet in My Waterproof, Breathable Rain Suit?

Why Do I Still Get Wet in My Waterproof, Breathable Rain Suit?

Just because you’re getting wet in your rain gear does not mean it’s ineffective. Here are some reasons, and solutions, for your rain gear selection process.

Why Electrical Safety Should Be a Priority in Post-COVID Planning

Why Electrical Safety Should Be a Priority in Post-COVID Planning

It’s more important than ever to not lose sight of fundamental protection programs and protocols.

Hassle-Free Occupational Hearing Test Scheduling: A Conversation with SHOEBOX

Episode 15

OH&S SafetyPod: Hassle-Free Occupational Hearing Test Scheduling

Editor Sydny Shepard discusses hearing test scheduling in the age of COVID-19 with Kate Mosley, Product Manager of Occupational Hearing Testing at SHOEBOX.

The Dog That Didn't Bark

Recognizing all essential workers—including those in the electrical field—and their associated hazards when it comes to working in a pandemic.

The New ANSI/ASSP Z10.0 standard and Its Implementation

The New ANSI/ASSP Z10.0 Standard and Its Implementation

The newest ANSI/ASSP Z10 standard provides a robust update to a well-respected safety system model and incorporates significant new concepts, approaches and tools. Here’s a walk through the standard, its features, its “sister documents” and implementation considerations.

Stop Sweating Heat Stress

Stop Sweating Heat Stress

Addressing heat stress in the workplace will not only keep your workers safe and productive, but it can also prevent employee turnover.

Best Practices for Today and Tomorrow

Best Practices for Today and Tomorrow

Maximize employee safety and wellness initiatives through a behavior-based safety process as part of an employee recognition program.


Artificial Intelligence