OH&S Launches 2024 Industrial Hygiene Awards
The deadline for the fourth annual program is February 23, 2024.
- By Robert Yaniz Jr.
- Jan 16, 2024
Occupational Health & Safety is pleased to announce the launch of the 2024 Industrial Hygiene Awards.
Now in its fourth edition, this award program honors the outstanding product development achievements of health and safety manufacturers whose products are considered particularly noteworthy in their ability to improve industrial hygiene.
This year, participants who enter their products can choose from 34 different categories, including:
- Artificial Intelligence (AI) Tools/Systems
- Auditing & Compliance Software
- Chemical Safety
- Drug Testing
- Education & Training
- Emergency Preparedness & Response
- Environmental Protection & Monitoring
- Ergonomics
- Exposure Assessment
- Eye/Face Protection
- Facility Safety
- Fire Safety
- Foot Protection
- Gas & Vapor Detection
- Hand Protection
- Hazard Communication
- Health and Safety/Cleanup
- Hearing Conservation & Noise Reduction
- Heat/Cold Stress: Apparel
- Heat/Cold Stress: Equipment
- Heat Stress Protection
- Indoor Air Quality
- Infectious Disease Control
- IoT – Connected Devices
- Lab Safety
- Mobile Apps
- Protective Clothing
- Respiratory Protection: Fit Testing
- Respiratory Protection: PPE
- Risk Assessment & Management
- SDS Management/Services
- Signage & Labeling
- Software
- Ventilation
In addition to a digital badge to showcase their achievement, each winner will receive many other benefits. These include editorial coverage and special advertising rates in the April/May 2024 print issue of OH&S as well as the Industrial Hygiene Quarterly eNewsletter, recognition in OH&S’ marketing and promotions, inclusion in the special winners’ section on ohsonline.com and the option to include the winning product logo on a discounted OH&S print and digital ad.
A company may submit more than one product, though companies that enter the same product into multiple categories will be charged the first product rate for the first category entry and the discounted second category rate for additional category entries. Submitted products cannot be previous Industrial Hygiene Awards winners in the same category. However, updated versions of past winners are still eligible, and winning products can be entered into different categories.
A panel of judges selected from the health and safety industry by the OH&S editorial staff will review the submitted materials and determine the winners of each category. Awards will be given at the discretion of the judges, who have the sole right to determine eligibility. Incomplete or incorrect entries will be rejected, and all decisions are final. To ensure fairness, judge names will remain confidential. The deadline to submit entries is Friday, February 23, 2024.
For more information or to enter a product, visit the 2024 OH&S IH Awards page.
About the Author
Robert Yaniz Jr. is the former Content Editor of Occupational Health & Safety.