Exploring Oral Fluid Drug Testing in the Workplace

Exploring Oral Fluid Drug Testing in the Workplace

In light of a recently announced final rule from the DOT, let's dive into the topic of oral fluid drug testing with industry expert Bill Current.

In the last decade, the U.S. has seen much change when it comes the rules and laws about drugs.

As the conversation around this topic—be it legalization, decriminalization or approved testing methods—grows, so will the discussion on workplace drug testing.

In this episode, Bill Current, considered one of the foremost experts on workplace drug and alcohol testing and the employee screening industry, talks about the U.S. Department of Transportation’s recent final rule on oral fluid drug testing, urine versus oral fluid testing and much more.

Download or stream this episode today at Apple PodcastsGoogle PodcastsStitcherSpotify and more

About the Author

Alex Saurman is a former Content Editor for Occupational Health & Safety,who has since joined OH&S’s client services team. She continues to work closely with OH&S’s editorial team and contributes to the magazine.


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