NSC Updates On-Site Health & Safety Guidelines for 2022 Congress & Expo

The National Safety Council is excited to welcome professionals to San Diego with safety in mind.

Safety professionals will arrive in San Diego, California on September 16 through 22 for the National Safety Council’s Safety Congress & Expo at the San Diego Convention Center. The Council is excited to welcome professionals back for an in-person conference but is putting safety in health at the forefront of every decision. 

According to an updated webpage on July 29, 2022, the council will be asking registrants to agree to a COVID-19 protocol. Professionals will need to adhere to the following, stating they are: 

  • Not currently experiencing symptoms consistent with COVID-19 nor tested positive for COVID-19 in the last 10 days 
  • Up-to-date on COVID-19 vaccinations or have tested negative for COVID-19 within the last 24 hours 
  • Not aware of any close contact with someone who has COVID-19 within the last two days 
  • Not currently isolating or quarantining because of exposure to someone who may have had COVID-19 

The Council has suggested that face coverings are recommended but they are not required to enter into the expo or any of the classroom settings at this time. 

In addition to the protocols listed above the Council will ensure that there are enhanced ventilation practices, regular cleaning protocols, safe distancing practices and limited room occupancies. 

If you are unable to travel to San Diego for the Safety Congress & Expo you can follow OH&S’ online coverage at ohsonline.com/live or access NSC’s online resources at congress.nsc.org.  

About the Author

Sydny Shepard is the former editor of Occupational Health & Safety.


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